2 November 2010

Random Notes -How to Drink Juice-

I'm just starting to look over Nana Kitade again. She's awesome, and why not? She's loli-style (goth-loli? even better) and her voice is cute. Besides, I've nothing better to do - since I've run out of SHINee material to fangirl over.

Also I'm listening to UVERworld again, and going 'OMFG, THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME' over Takuya's SO AWESOME voice. Because it just is, and he should just take over the fricking world with his damn awesome vocals. (Not that I'm forgetting the rest of the band, but face it, I tend to be biased. A lot.)

I shall now teach you how to drink fruit juice! Some of those stupid things are really sweet/sour/weird tasting. So add water. But of course, it can't be just WATER, because, see, water's too ordinary. No, listen to me, you take an empty cup and you fill it almost to the brim with chunks of ice.

Got that?

Okay, then you pour the goddamn juice in and you stir it with your awesome straw and you drink it. That's cause ice makes it so fucking cold, you'll freeze your tongue on the cup or straw, and will be unable to drink any more of the stupid thing. Okay, now wait until everything becomes room-temperature...

And throw it away. Because no ones wants stupid, ordinary, WARM juice to drink.

1 comment:

  1. A million and one times over Ive told you to watch SHInee Yunhanam for goodness sake. Concentrate on the awesomeness of the awesomest SHInee thar :D
