14 October 2011

Sorry for the interruption. We have been receiving a large volume of requests from your network. To continue with your YouTube experience, please enter the verification code below.

*Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for. This post has been receiving a lot of hits, for some unknown reason. This is not an 'avoid captcha'. This is a rant.

Sorry for the interruption. We have been receiving a large volume of requests from your network. To continue with your YouTube experience, please enter the verification code below.

-Sincerely, Youtube

FUCK YOU. Fuck you, okay? This is discrimination. Discrimination against the generation of a faster rhythm than you're used to, you old coots. I demand an explanation. I demand a tear-filled apology about how extremely wrong you were to show me this kind of shit and then - 


We've talked about this before, Youtube. You need to catch up. Our shorter attention spans are obviously detrimental to your financial situation in some way, which must be why you're making us type the fucking captchas, but guess what, darling Youtube.

We no give fucks. 

We want videos. No captchas. 

No "too many comments" captchas, no "large volume of requests" captchas. Because fuck you, you're making us spend more time typing captchas than doing any real shit on Youtube. Not that we do any real shit, but that's kind of beside the point.

Remember. We've talked this issue of yours before. Don't disappoint us all.

13 October 2011


http://koreanmusicforyou.wordpress.com (/EDIT/: 2/8/12: it's dead)

It's a very awesome blog, I have no idea why I didn't find it earlier. Anyway, it's k-pop download links (Sungha Jung's there too) and the links are up really fast - SHINee's Lucifer single only came out yesterday, but it's already online today. Thought I'd share the blog, you know, since it's awesome and all.


Anyway, the 'pirated'/'illegal' music online. Frankly, IDGAF. It's not like I don't care about the artists; I care, very much, especially if it's SHINee or UVERworld and stuff. But honestly, I'm planning on buying each and every one of their albums some time in the future (currently being stuck somewhere where no one sells them, and not having access to my bank account - it's for university - and not being able to persuade my parents to fork out a huge bundle of money for the albums) so it's kind of a moot point.

The only difference is that they'll get my money later... which honestly, might, just might be able to change their financial situation, especially if other fans feel the same way as me.


Honestly, I don't see how it matters so much. It's only the ones who never ever pay for any music who are annoying as hell. But hey, we all love music, can't fault others for not wanting to spend too much. Key words being "too much". I think that we should buy some stuff.

If only to ease our guilt.


12 October 2011

Encouragement that's not really encouragement

I seem to have perfected "veiled insults".

It consist of praising the person, but adding words like "good attempt". This gives the impression that the person tried, but still wasn't good enough (HAH, see that there? See it? See what I did?).

It's the ultimate insult. That person can't exactly return the "favour" without looking completely stupid, and it's a blow to their self-confidence, too.

It just makes them feel like... um...

You took a look, decided that they sucked, but felt that you should at least put a nice little comment to cheer them up. It also makes them feel like you know that they know they're not that good, so you feel the need to cheer them up a little.

The best thing is that it doesn't even sound sarcastic or nasty. It's perfect.

Veiled insults for the win.

Incidentally, if you throw me a veiled insult, I'm just gonna ignore the "veiled" part and the "insult" part. The only part I'll actually pay attention to is the "encouragement" part and "praise" part.

Off to throw around more of 'em veiled insults ~ baiii ~

9 October 2011

When You're All Depressed

You know what, forget this. Who am I to even talk about this? Oh yes, besides the fact that everyone's depressed in some way. Huh.

If you think you're worthless:

If you think you have no true friends:

If you've been through too much:

If you sometimes suspect that no one likes you:

Do something.

It's not like I'm a happy kid with a charmed life. Last year, around March, I was so depressed that I slept all day and ate and ate and cried all day. Basically, I don't even remember anything from that period of time, because I was just so fucking depressed.

It was school, home, sleep, school. Literally, everything was grey. I mean, as in I don't remember any colours from that time.

And I was crying in my bed every night, for no actual reason.

Hey, I wasn't even thinking straight. Like, if you're hungry, go and eat? At that time, it was, if I'm hungry, then lie there and cry.

I have no idea how I became un-depressed again, but I'm okay now. I learned from that horrible horrible experience that nothing helps when you're depressed. Really, nothing at all. (Except, drink more water. Dehydration is a bitch, especially when you cry all day. I'm honest. Dehydration.)

A shrink? Hello, no kid wants to tell their parents that they need a shrink. Hi mom, hi dad, and by the way I think I need a psychologist 'cause I'm depressed. So yeah. If you can muster up the energy to say that, and then deal with the questions and overwhelming concern later, then ... okay.

So let's assume you have a shrink. How do you feel? How do you think I feel? I want to die but I'm too scared to actually to do it, that's how I feel.

Really helpful. I'm not scorning all the psychologists here, I'm just saying that they rarely work, short-term.

Nothing helps. See, nothing helps because no one fucking understands. Even if they think they understand, they don't, and it's even more frustrating - so frustrating and hopeless that you'd much rather just crawl off somewhere.

But if it's any consolation, it's just about half a year of wallowing in self-pity and feeling like crap every single day. That's what I went through, six months of hell.


Anyway, back to the point: do something.

Not exercising, or eating a well-balanced diet like those shitty people keep telling you to do. Because honestly, when you're depressed, it's just impossible to give a shit about what you eat. Also, it's easier to be happy when you're indulging in comfort food.

Do something like, write emotional poetry. If you not into that, then draw emo things. This has two bonuses. I've found that doing those things drain you, emotionally, so you just feel blank and all. Another thing is that hey, something pretty comes out from your depression. That's good, right?

Or just fucking sleep. Lie in your bed and cuddle. Or cry. Whichever. It sounds nice, yes? Comforting, yes? (But sad, because there's no one to hold you - really, I mean it.) Anyway, it feels good.

But don't listen to me, I'm just rambling here. No medical knowledge, besides what my biology lessons forced me to memorize. Life in general is just depressing, you know? Especially when you think about it too much. But the bottom line is that someone cares. Fuck, if it's your online friend whose face you've never seen, it's still a friend who cares.

I'm getting slightly sappy, so I'll stop. Sappiness is not be suiting my current mood, oh no. 

7 October 2011


I really think he needs more rest, as do the rest of SHINee.

They're looking seriously tired from their Japan promotions, and while I know that it's unfair to insist that they deserve rest, I'm going to say it anyway.

I want SHINee to smile. I want the smiling, happy SHINee back.

I am a selfish bitch, yes.

But I still want SHINee to take a little break or something. I'm dying for new songs, but... yeah, their life is more important.

DL LINK Boyfriend - Don't Touch my Girl

MOAR VIEWS, always good.

Link here.

Online Anonymity (Jessi)

People keep talking about this. And they keep saying a bunch of stupid stuff and blowing things out of proportion - okay, stop it. Online anonymity will always be there... it might get a whole lot harder as time goes on, but hey, there are always cleverer people than you. (And me.)

Cracked.com shared this link - http://gawker.com/5590166/11+year+old-viral-video-star-placed-under-police-protection-after-death-threats

Um, just read this first: I have neither a university degree nor anything resembling a PhD, nor am I of legal age. And, obviously, I'm not a certified genius, although sometimes I like to pretend that I am. 

(I have to spell this out? Okay then: if you take my words as Truth, then you're Fucked.)

The first thing that struck me as being very wrong was that the first thing you see - the video - has her fucking face in it. 

The second was that she was crying and talking about people ruining her life, and her father yelling in the background that he has... backtracing?


Don't kneel on the floor, dude, it hurts your knees. Move the fucking webcam. It's a webcam, right? Move it. No, seriously, your knees will hurt. 

And don't show your face. The entire problem was caused by you showing your face (presumably so that all the fuckers online can recognize you and distribute your info around, or be pissed enough to utilize their superior computer skills and track your IP the fuck down) and thus, you should probably know that showing it again will just...

Hey, wait, you're showing your father's face too. How nice, now he can be ridiculed at work. 

For telling people to "get off [his] computer" and such. And for teaching his daughter to say things like "fucking haters" and "I don't give a fuck" and " - EWW GOD I CAN'T WATCH THIS ANYMORE.




'Cause she's apparently more pretty and has more friends and people who like her and "all that shit"?

EW. Now I see the true problem - an obnoxious 11-year-old appeared! You used FUCK THAT IDIOT. (And forgive me if my Pokemon jokes are very lame. I haven't seen Pokemon for a few years, and I don't exactly have a photographic memory.)

To put it simply, her obnoxious behavior attracted all the peeps to her - to mock and flame and ewwww blurrrrghh arrrghhh the pain, the agony, arrrrghhhh I'm dying.  If you can't resist taunting someone in real life (those in real life tend to be just a little less annoying compared to this) then imagine the restraint you'd have to exercise online. 

Basically, there are and forever be trolls - IRL and online - and you can only stop them by being less fucking irritating. Or being too self-absorbed to give a damn. Like me. See? (Actually, I have a very tender heart, and I'm easily wounded, so any sarcastic comments will make me cry tears of fluffy sparkly unicorn Edwards. Please don't make poor wittle me cry.)

Oh, I just can't...

Does she know no one who understand how the internet works? Even a rudimentary grasp of the basics - that's all anyone's asking for. 

1. Don't fucking post your face up.
2. Don't fucking post your face everywhere.
3. Don't fucking insult people with your face in front of them.
4. Don't fucking insult people in a video with your face in it.
5. Keep your fucking face off the internet. (Except for a few pretty little photos, because everyone needs their ego boost.)

Her parents can be excused. They didn't grow up hearing about how the internet would ruin everything - from face-to-face interaction to your entire fucking life. We did. As in, I did. Because it seems like she skipped right past the lesson about how the internet could literally ruin her entire fucking life, and went straight to "How to Post Videos of Your Face and Insult Everyone With the Power to Ruin Your Life - Literally". 

But as I watched the video, I came up with the same question over and over again - how old is she? Apparently she got her lip pierced, she knows about the legendary make-up, she has a boyfriend, she...

Hey, look at me, I'm playing with my lips and patting my fringe and twirling around and contradicting myself.

(Incidentally, I didn't know about make-up until I was twelve, and even then I didn't understand it... I'll never pierce my fucking lip because I'd probably get a fucking infection and go through a lot of pain - like with my pierced ear, which is now not pierced anymore... Boyfriend? I... I... I have my slash, okay. That's enough.)

(I also know that I'm sad and deprived and generally rather ignorant and everything, yes, yes, I know that you think I'm really stupid and everything...)

OH, MAI, GAWWWD. Is this for real?

Does she actually think a "don't fucking troll on me or I'll make you suck on my non-existent dick and get AIDS and die" video will work? Does she even know what trolling means

Yes. No. Respectively. 

BY THE WAY: this is a very belated message to the site that posted the article. 
FUCKING PROOFREAD. I can't take you seriously when you make little errors like "4cha.org". No one respects fuckers who can't proofread.

A court order has barred her from using the Internet for at least three days.

Presumably someone actually understood the whole point of this ludicrous affair.

What does her mother think of it?

"I haven't seen it," she says. "I don't even go on the computer."

Fuck, your daughter... she's your freaking little kid daughter... And you just fucking sit there and say, lol no, me no go on internettt. Clever. Real intelligent. And you're perfectly okay with not knowing why this entire shit blew up? Why your entire family was uprooted? You're okay with not knowing stuff? Not knowing vital information?

Great! I applaud you!

And the death threats Jessi's mom told us about? "There have been no death threats or threats of harm in any way" towards Jessi, according to the spokeswoman.

Amazing! Congratulations!

Keep showing your fucking face all over the internet, please! Your fans miss you! Muaks! Come back and visit soon!

P.S. Tumblr fags? I confess, I like that. I'm a Tumblr fag. Now wait while I parade around with all my faggoty faggoryness at Tumblr :P

Internet anonymity forever please, get over yourselves. How else would you get your pr0nz?

5 October 2011

I'd [prose? Is this prose?]


Write you into my bruised heart,

where I can keep you

and remember all of the pain -

every single piece of hurt,

each droplet of blood…

They looked like flower petals on the ground.

And your feet

would always trample them

crush them

desecrate them

dirty their innocence.

And your pretty pink lips would always tell me

you hate me

you hate me

you hate me

you hate me.


Write you into my


Scarred wounded bleeding heart.

So that I can remember

our twisted love story

as I die slowly.

1 October 2011

About my Blog Theme

Of course I need an obnoxiously huge picture... thing... to convey my awesomeness. Don't argue. Also, the pictures are nice to look at, so if you complain about it, I'll take it as you do not have a sense of style.

Purple is nice. Purple is nice and ambiguous and nice. Very nice.

The fonts? Yeah, the fonts. It's okay, but kinda hard to read. But the other fonts are just blehh, so I stuck with the current ones. It doesn't do the dot dot dots credit, but it works. I can stand it.

Aaaand... why am I using the totally lame, totally not cool designer instead of choosing from a wide variety of blogskins or just making my own badass theme? Simple.

I'm a lazy fucker.

The blogskins are pretty, but not guaranteed to work, and I don't trust the motherfuckers who might have some virus attached to the pretteh pretteh skin. Some themes are not fucking compatible with whatever version of blogger.

Next: I hate html. I will never make my own theme, ever, because I hate html and I never want to trawl through that disgusting shit again. I'm well aware that that's what makes everything functional, but I don't want to see the < > tags and the a href=shit and ugh.

(Backstory: My school forced every one of us to learn html. I learned it... and then retaliated by not handing up a single piece of html homework. I got a F in computer, but heyyy, that's badass.)

The html thing also explains why I refuse to use blogskins. I have to go through html to change a single fucking thing. I could always just ctrl+f but that's kind of useless when you have so many fucking identical tags.

The only way that would work is if you copied the text you want to replace and then ctrl+f that... also not very useful when you're facing a hundred million 'example's and 'this is a blogskin's.

There you go. Hate the theme?

... Um, no, I won't change it, but at least now you know why I refuse to change it.


In your fucking face.

/EDIT:/ The fucking annoying music? I get it, okay, sometimes I find it irritating too. But it sounds nice... sometimes, so it's staying.

My Departure from Innocence, and Generally Very Funny Things Because I am a Funny Person

I was always a late bloomer, you see. I didn't discover music until I was twelve. I didn't know what the fuck was this 'youtube' until I was twelve. I didn't even understand how gay sex worked until I turned twelve.

Basically, my life started when I turned twelve and lost whatever innocence I might have once had.

It wasn't exactly a good thing.

Now I'm a little addicted to telling everyone around me that they're absolutely wrong, and then, armed with my completely inappropriate-for-my-age-group knowledge of things that occur at night and/or behind locked doors and/or on beds, inform them pompously that I'm correct, and then elaborate - too much - on why I'm correct.

...It's a really bad habit.

Ever heard of this meme on the internet, where it goes something like, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking?

Fuck yes, it applies to me. To others too, obviously, like, obviously, but no one seems ready to believe that a little girl could be as mean as... as... well, me. I always make snide remarks about how everything isn't as awesome as it could be if only they went according to my weird little rules and everything. About how they're not up to par, how they all suck...

I like elaboration, perhaps a bit too much - hell yes I like it a lot too much - so with every little comment that I make, I elaborate. Like... oh great, now that I need to be sarcastic and mean, I have nothing to make fun of. Just great.

Anyway, the December of the year I turned twelve, I caught up with ... with ... the world in general. I became a zombie who was hooked onto the internet. I needed my internet-hours, goddammit, and I will have it. Somehow.

Contrary to popular belief, my exposure to the sparkly-rainbows-and-unicorns-internet-shit-everything didn't come with horrified gasps or scandalized expressions... no, nothing like that. It was pretty anti-climatic.

I found anime then, you see, D.Gray-Man, to be exact, and that led me to BL, then yaoi, and then the rest of the horny and sexually frustrated internet.

My first ship was Kanda/Allen - Yullen. Then Laven.

And then, very very quickly, my mind was thrown from its clean little apartment into the gutter - where it's residing happily now, thank you very much.

(Those yaoi pictures were welcomed with an ooohhh, and a right click and a save image as.)

Because you can't really share the same world as delusional fangirls without corrupting yourself. Oh and by the way, if you're still innocent, I suspect that this post has just eaten away a tiny bit more of that precious innocence oh god what am I doing? It's fun to corrupt people and all, but but but yeah, I'm too self-centred to do that LOL.


So, a summary: life before twelve was a sunny little meadow with ponies.

Cue December that year: pony sex.

I think that gives an accurate analogy of how far I fell in one short month. (Also, I learned that there is porn everywhere. Everyeveryeveryeverywhere. EVERY FUCKING WHERE. I'm not even shocked by it now. Like, oh, pr0n. Okay.)

I've come to realize now that the internet is really just a bunch (albeit a really goddamn fucking huge bunch) of deprived people who find amusement in fucking with other people. I like that.

No, I really like that. There's something very satisfying about watching someone getting verbally abused over the internet, or getting trolled on by someone, or being flamed by someone... endless possibilities, people, endless.

Too many clever people, too many stupid people, too many very bored people. Add technology, you have the internet.

Oh, the thing about 'being from the internet'? Very... general term, but I believe I've figured out some rules about that.

1. If you're from the internet, you're from the internet.

2. Anyone who is not from the internet is not worthy. The end.

3. Having a computer and a browser and internet access does not equal 'from the internet'.

4. If you try too hard to be 'from the internet', you will fail. Very painfully.

5. There are qualifications. You will be informed of them via criticism about how you're not qualified.

6. If you are in possession of a 'conscience', you most certainly are not from the internet.

7. You are not from the internet.