7 October 2011

Online Anonymity (Jessi)

People keep talking about this. And they keep saying a bunch of stupid stuff and blowing things out of proportion - okay, stop it. Online anonymity will always be there... it might get a whole lot harder as time goes on, but hey, there are always cleverer people than you. (And me.)

Cracked.com shared this link - http://gawker.com/5590166/11+year+old-viral-video-star-placed-under-police-protection-after-death-threats

Um, just read this first: I have neither a university degree nor anything resembling a PhD, nor am I of legal age. And, obviously, I'm not a certified genius, although sometimes I like to pretend that I am. 

(I have to spell this out? Okay then: if you take my words as Truth, then you're Fucked.)

The first thing that struck me as being very wrong was that the first thing you see - the video - has her fucking face in it. 

The second was that she was crying and talking about people ruining her life, and her father yelling in the background that he has... backtracing?


Don't kneel on the floor, dude, it hurts your knees. Move the fucking webcam. It's a webcam, right? Move it. No, seriously, your knees will hurt. 

And don't show your face. The entire problem was caused by you showing your face (presumably so that all the fuckers online can recognize you and distribute your info around, or be pissed enough to utilize their superior computer skills and track your IP the fuck down) and thus, you should probably know that showing it again will just...

Hey, wait, you're showing your father's face too. How nice, now he can be ridiculed at work. 

For telling people to "get off [his] computer" and such. And for teaching his daughter to say things like "fucking haters" and "I don't give a fuck" and " - EWW GOD I CAN'T WATCH THIS ANYMORE.




'Cause she's apparently more pretty and has more friends and people who like her and "all that shit"?

EW. Now I see the true problem - an obnoxious 11-year-old appeared! You used FUCK THAT IDIOT. (And forgive me if my Pokemon jokes are very lame. I haven't seen Pokemon for a few years, and I don't exactly have a photographic memory.)

To put it simply, her obnoxious behavior attracted all the peeps to her - to mock and flame and ewwww blurrrrghh arrrghhh the pain, the agony, arrrrghhhh I'm dying.  If you can't resist taunting someone in real life (those in real life tend to be just a little less annoying compared to this) then imagine the restraint you'd have to exercise online. 

Basically, there are and forever be trolls - IRL and online - and you can only stop them by being less fucking irritating. Or being too self-absorbed to give a damn. Like me. See? (Actually, I have a very tender heart, and I'm easily wounded, so any sarcastic comments will make me cry tears of fluffy sparkly unicorn Edwards. Please don't make poor wittle me cry.)

Oh, I just can't...

Does she know no one who understand how the internet works? Even a rudimentary grasp of the basics - that's all anyone's asking for. 

1. Don't fucking post your face up.
2. Don't fucking post your face everywhere.
3. Don't fucking insult people with your face in front of them.
4. Don't fucking insult people in a video with your face in it.
5. Keep your fucking face off the internet. (Except for a few pretty little photos, because everyone needs their ego boost.)

Her parents can be excused. They didn't grow up hearing about how the internet would ruin everything - from face-to-face interaction to your entire fucking life. We did. As in, I did. Because it seems like she skipped right past the lesson about how the internet could literally ruin her entire fucking life, and went straight to "How to Post Videos of Your Face and Insult Everyone With the Power to Ruin Your Life - Literally". 

But as I watched the video, I came up with the same question over and over again - how old is she? Apparently she got her lip pierced, she knows about the legendary make-up, she has a boyfriend, she...

Hey, look at me, I'm playing with my lips and patting my fringe and twirling around and contradicting myself.

(Incidentally, I didn't know about make-up until I was twelve, and even then I didn't understand it... I'll never pierce my fucking lip because I'd probably get a fucking infection and go through a lot of pain - like with my pierced ear, which is now not pierced anymore... Boyfriend? I... I... I have my slash, okay. That's enough.)

(I also know that I'm sad and deprived and generally rather ignorant and everything, yes, yes, I know that you think I'm really stupid and everything...)

OH, MAI, GAWWWD. Is this for real?

Does she actually think a "don't fucking troll on me or I'll make you suck on my non-existent dick and get AIDS and die" video will work? Does she even know what trolling means

Yes. No. Respectively. 

BY THE WAY: this is a very belated message to the site that posted the article. 
FUCKING PROOFREAD. I can't take you seriously when you make little errors like "4cha.org". No one respects fuckers who can't proofread.

A court order has barred her from using the Internet for at least three days.

Presumably someone actually understood the whole point of this ludicrous affair.

What does her mother think of it?

"I haven't seen it," she says. "I don't even go on the computer."

Fuck, your daughter... she's your freaking little kid daughter... And you just fucking sit there and say, lol no, me no go on internettt. Clever. Real intelligent. And you're perfectly okay with not knowing why this entire shit blew up? Why your entire family was uprooted? You're okay with not knowing stuff? Not knowing vital information?

Great! I applaud you!

And the death threats Jessi's mom told us about? "There have been no death threats or threats of harm in any way" towards Jessi, according to the spokeswoman.

Amazing! Congratulations!

Keep showing your fucking face all over the internet, please! Your fans miss you! Muaks! Come back and visit soon!

P.S. Tumblr fags? I confess, I like that. I'm a Tumblr fag. Now wait while I parade around with all my faggoty faggoryness at Tumblr :P

Internet anonymity forever please, get over yourselves. How else would you get your pr0nz?

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