1 October 2011

About my Blog Theme

Of course I need an obnoxiously huge picture... thing... to convey my awesomeness. Don't argue. Also, the pictures are nice to look at, so if you complain about it, I'll take it as you do not have a sense of style.

Purple is nice. Purple is nice and ambiguous and nice. Very nice.

The fonts? Yeah, the fonts. It's okay, but kinda hard to read. But the other fonts are just blehh, so I stuck with the current ones. It doesn't do the dot dot dots credit, but it works. I can stand it.

Aaaand... why am I using the totally lame, totally not cool designer instead of choosing from a wide variety of blogskins or just making my own badass theme? Simple.

I'm a lazy fucker.

The blogskins are pretty, but not guaranteed to work, and I don't trust the motherfuckers who might have some virus attached to the pretteh pretteh skin. Some themes are not fucking compatible with whatever version of blogger.

Next: I hate html. I will never make my own theme, ever, because I hate html and I never want to trawl through that disgusting shit again. I'm well aware that that's what makes everything functional, but I don't want to see the < > tags and the a href=shit and ugh.

(Backstory: My school forced every one of us to learn html. I learned it... and then retaliated by not handing up a single piece of html homework. I got a F in computer, but heyyy, that's badass.)

The html thing also explains why I refuse to use blogskins. I have to go through html to change a single fucking thing. I could always just ctrl+f but that's kind of useless when you have so many fucking identical tags.

The only way that would work is if you copied the text you want to replace and then ctrl+f that... also not very useful when you're facing a hundred million 'example's and 'this is a blogskin's.

There you go. Hate the theme?

... Um, no, I won't change it, but at least now you know why I refuse to change it.


In your fucking face.

/EDIT:/ The fucking annoying music? I get it, okay, sometimes I find it irritating too. But it sounds nice... sometimes, so it's staying.

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