31 July 2010

This is Why

This is why people want to FML.

I need my mom to type in the password for the computer for me to use, she goes, she doesn't know the password cuz my dad changed it. Therefore she can't log in for me.

Fuck. She can call and ask, yes? There is a phone, yes?

30 July 2010

Mission: Suck-Up

I hate my life. Did I perhaps mention that a million times? No? Well it's gotta reach soon.

For some reason, I feel compelled to obsess over my schoolwork. Deadlines, deadlines. Projects. And then I've got teachers. Real nice teachers. You probably get my meaning, but if you do, it'd be better if you, er, keep silent and laugh about my unfortunate fate with only your friends, and maybe those anonymous voices in your head.

Believe me, this helps with preventing teachers and parents from looking at this.

I hope the sign - maybe contain adult material, in general, google does not whatever blah blah then blah - might deter most of the teachers, parents, etc, but just in case. No names. Or else, it'd be pretty bad for me.

Anyway, Mission Suck-Up is exactly what it sounds: suck up to teachers = my conduct grade shoots up. Along with various other things, my teachers' impression of me will, well, change. I hope. But anyway.

Apparently, I sleep too late, and wake up too early. It's involuntary. I don't want to wake up, not if it means facing the crappy world.

By the by, I think I came up with some witty things to say during the day, but by now I'm just too tired to type. Okay, fine. I forgot. I forgot what it was that was so witty, are you happy now? Bet you're not. You didn't get to hear the funny stuff.

My dad's not giving me enough time on the com. I'm not gonna be able to enter the challenge at FG. Damn/

24 July 2010

Love My Life, BTW

On Friday I had to go off at 11.45 to help with whatever SC Investiture. Opening doors and such. My chinese teacher wouldn't let me go. She made me stay back for the spelling test, but guess what, she let the other girl go.

Her reason? That girl's studies were better than mine. CRAP. CRAP HER.

What the hell is the ministry doing? These kind of teachers are the PITS. She could at least pretend not to be bias. She could have told us both to stay. She could have told us both to go for spelling on Monday.


She had to FUCKING be bias and make ME stay while the other girl was allowed to leave. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS.

Seriously...it's been three years since I last cried in class. I am damn pissed that I cried because of her, but that was only cuz I was so pissed. I didn't make any sound while crying, but she said, LOUDLY, from the OTHER SIDE OF THE CLASSROOM, "Don't you cry."



She called my dad. And now my entire life is ruined. Okay, not really, but it sure feels like it. Deadlines.



You know what? My CCA fucking stole my Saturday.

18 July 2010


Oh, how I hate Sundays. I have to wake up early, pretend to believe in God, and not to mention see some people. Some people, that is, whom I do not and never will wish to meet. Unfortunately, I was unfortunate enough to have met them, and thus is doomed for eternity.

I realised that I have been ranting a lot lately, but then again I have good reasons for it.

By which I mean all the usual reasons for ranting. Plus the fact that I have been consistently waking up at five plus everyday and being unable to fall asleep despite feeling sleepy as hell, which is total, complete, and utter SHIT.

My subconscious must hate me so much.

17 July 2010

Now it Really Sucks

Apart from having spent my first few waking hours at a Chinese poetry recital, I also spent roughly four hours or so at a certain person's house, doing projects with ... people. The situation was kind of really extremely stupid and quite complicated. I also feel that the above sentence describes it really well.

So, we were all doing Geog projects. Eight people in total. We were at, let's call him "Q" 's house. There were a total of two projects we had to do. Basically, for the first project, me, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were in a group. For the second project thing, me, blah, blah, and blah were in a group.

What about this person called "Q", you ask. Let me assure you that he is completely not related to our projects. First things first - I'm not totally sure of the grouping myself, but I know that... uhh, forgot. Let's continue anyway.

There was this girl, "S", in one of those groups. So "Q" dates "S", and we were only at "Q" 's house because "Q" liked "S". With me so far? I doubt it.

ARGH. In the end we accomplished a grand total of "not much". IMPRESSIVE.

*Moans* I haz homework... I haz groupwork... I haz school... I haz parents... I haz CCA... I haz extra stupid stuff to do... *Starts crying* Now that I think about it, *sniff*, I should probably go do those extra stupid stuff right now, since it's SUPPOSED to be more important than this.

Let's play a round of "pick the keyword" first. The keyword?

PROBABLY. Which means that no way in hell am I going to go and do ANY HOMEWORK.



14 July 2010

My Life Kind of Sucks

I mean, it's great and all, seeing as I have somewhere to sleep, and I wear clothes that have not been patched five million times. But still, it sucks. Kind of, as I repeat. It feels as if my entire life's already been planned out - from school to weekends, to everything else and everything other than everything else too.

From Monday to Friday, twelve hours at school each day. Approximately seven hours is used for listening to teachers go on and on about things for certain people. Around three hours is for wondering what the hell I can do to make those idiots understand the concept faster. And then there's the two hours left, which I use for interacting with friends, listening to teachers, and copying homework.

If you're really perceptive and attentive, you might notice that I am kind of bitter and kind of pissed off. That's because I am. And if you're really really perceptive and attentive, then you might notice that I'm insulting many many people, one of them who are very likely to be you.

But I trust that you'll just ignore that. After all, I smile at you and I laugh with you and I listen to you. Great, now that you've ascertained that I love you a lot lot lot, please proceed to the next paragraph.

This is the paragraph where I tell you that I am a compulsive liar and you can't believe anything I've told you. Of course, you can also dismiss that, because I am so very obviously sane. Kudos. I can't make your decisions for you, so you gotta decide if you hate me or love me.

Remember, I don't take middles. It's hate me or love me.

My principal, (let's call him P) is an asshole. How do you determine this? Simply by looking at him. Yes, dear whoever you are, you can tell if someone's an asshole by simply looking. That is, if you're not too busy following what everyone else is doing.

Let me tell you, that is seriously not cool. Who am I to judge? I can judge you because I'm not narcissistic enough to think that you'll even care about my opinion. Okay.

We'll move on. I'll give you an example, in case you're not convinced.

He said that his profession wasn't successful. He just insulted all principals around the world, and everyone else who wants to be a principal. That's a hell of a lotta people. If he's not worried about his safety, he should be. The thing is, he totally doesn't realise that he's insulting people.

Anyway, back to my crappy life, Bet you're completely willing to listen to me for the rest of your life. Guess what, I'm not willing to type for my entire life.  Lucky you. You only get to hear the exciting parts. How I love sarcasm.

So, Saturday's when it's finally a fricking weekend, and I'm happy to be woken up at eight in the morning to take care of my brother, who hits me and babbles nonsense. Yes. I assure you that I hate it. Sunday's when I get up at ten, after lying on my bed for two hours pretending to be asleep.

I gotta go to church. I don't believe in God. I want to sleep.

My life kind of sucks.

12 July 2010

I Have NO Idea

Seriously, my life is horrible. This is everything that I hate, which is -

1) Mother. This annoying bunch of cells ... well, what can I say. High-pitched, loud, annoying voice, which she doesn't hesitate to use ... accusing tone ... idiotic and totally senseless remarks ... often reminisces about my past mistakes (ranging from twelve years to two minutes ago). I guess you see why.

2) Father. That's cuz he's a sucker. He stares at his phone the entire day and didn't realize that my mother (that's the aforementioned female) had spent nine hundred bucks on wallpaper. Wallpaper which we didn't need. Wall paper which totally sucked. Also, I can get him to give me computer time by just sitting there, glaring at people in the mirror, and being totally and completely emo.

3) Parents. This is the aforementioned two people. Because they never listen. Also because they ask pointless questions, don't trust me, and ... and ... totally does NOT understand me. ARGH. It's not that hard! I talk all the time, don't I? I am so incredibly selfish that I ALWAYS talk about myself!!!

4) Everything else. Like CCA. Like over-un-emo friends. Like stupid people. Like people who don't fucking listen. Like... Okay, enough for now.

Okay, the reason why I have no idea, is... shit, I forgot. Okay. I feel better now.

8 July 2010

Procrastination is Bad

It is bad, mainly because... nevermind. Who cares? We all procrastinate, some simply do that more than others. Everytime I sit down in front of the computer, I blank out the subject of school.

Since it's taking over every other aspect of my life, my blog shouldn't really consist of that (stupid, stupid) thing. But what's a blog, if not for the purpose of entertaining others with the details of your crappy life, so that those aforementioned others feel better, even if their lives are shitty too?

Ah, reality. Makes everything else feel better.

GAH. During computer lesson, we used macs, which stinks. Modern and minimalistic and all, but you can't deny that the mac is considerably harder to use than good old windows. Maybe it's cuz we grew up with windows, or perhaps because the first computer we touched were windows manufactured, but it's a fact that most people prefer windows.

Or, at least, most of my friends do.

Lack of usb ports, lack of ability to 'copy paste' by pressing control c or v, absence of right-clicking. But the keyboard was smooth and whatnot. Likes. :D Anyway, the teacher gave us a few seconds to close down the coms. Amelia used those few seconds to figure out how to use the stupid mac, and the teacher locked all the macs BEFORE Amelia could eject her usb.

Which, I must say, pissed me off a whole lot at that time, but looking back now, it seems rather insignificant. What a nice, forgiving person I am. If you, by any chance, thought that the 'forgiving person' comment was narcissistic, then I will assure you that it is perfectly normal. Certain people need more ... shall we say, encouragement.

It is healthy to be happy with yourself. And, of course, if you hate yourself, then I have absolutely no idea how you managed to live this long. Your life must be shittier than mine if you hate yourself.

School, to sum it up, is crappy. Batshit. Consists of bitches and some other people who try to be funny, but, (NEWSFLASH) are not actually funny. Which makes school kind of unbearable, but luckily there are friends over there. To be completely honest, sometimes I can't stand those friends either, for some reason. But I'll get over it.

My chinese teacher, however, is a completely different story. Hates her on sight. URGH. Makes me want to puke, when I haven't puked since god-knows-when. Apparently, though, I used to puke all the time when I was young.

I'll do some notes sometime later in my life. Like, maybe the next week or so. And a real post about the terrific time I had in China. Joy. But I'm lazy, so I'll just leave you now. I have homework. Which... of course...

I'm not going to do. But with parents peeking over my shoulder every now and then (I NEED MY OWN SPACE, IDIOTS. FIGURE THAT OUT.) it might be good to at least pretend. Actually, pretending's pretty much all I've done since young, because it is SO much easier than dealing with all the extra crap that comes with honesty.

I have NO idea what's up with those people who are so sincere. But then again, those sincere people usually turn out to be hypocrites. Pure joy. God, I wanna say to you: EPIC FAIL. Can't be bothered about religion anymore, since none of the religions I know offer good reasons for believing in their version of the Big Guy.

I've turned Atheist. Scum of the earth. Probably going to hell. Don't worry about me, however. I'll most likely have a great time there, since sarcasm isn't exactly choir boy stuff.

I've also just fried my brain. Tired. Can't sleep. Is kind of obsessed with sitting, stoning, and with my eyes wide open but not taking anything in. Great. Another loony.

I'll take a pause from my resolution. I need to watch more anime. Since it so kindly paints the whole world a whole nicer shade of black.

6 July 2010

Maybe It's Not Worth It

Maybe my life is just crap. Maybe I should take a flying leap off a building. Because, seriously, it stinks. I can barely handle people claiming my precious time for their self-proclaimed important talks, homework, and un-cooperative parents. Then someone decided, what the hey, why not add more stuff in, just to see what happens.

I've got a few words I'd like to say to those people.

Fuck off.

Everytime I'm pissed, it's either because my parents absolutely refuse to let me online, or that my parents argue but never get to the bottom of the problem, which just means they start arguing again over the same stupid thing.

Or sometimes it's because certain people think they're simply too important to ignore... or maybe because some people are just too idiotic to read a sign right in front of them... Like my dad.

Lately I've noticed that my mother's voice is becoming more and more shrill. Which is so not a good thing.

Anyway: new resolution: I will post something on somewhere every day.

But then again, maybe it's not worth it, since I haven't typed out my 4 elements challenge, or ... much at all. I'm currently sniffing and wiping my nose. Life sucks. I'm too tired to do any self-therapy.