the blog and i

me: helen
birthplace: beijing
language: chinese, english, very basic german, weaboo  okayish japanese, i can read korean very slowly
birthday: 24 02 1997

now studying linguistics and multilingual studies at uni

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  1. dont talk shit about shinee where i can hear it
  2. if i dont know you then i dont want to hear your opinions on my faves' musical direction
  3. i guess that's it

*posts made before 2013  any time before the year you're reading this in are kinda stupid probably and i kind of want to send hate mail to myself, but, like. waste of effort. i think i did edit out some of the more spectacularly stupid parts. but im not deleting it because i want to know what kind of person i was at thirteen, and erasing those posts isn't the same as erasing my thirteen year old self

    okay but tbh why did i make this page i forget