1 December 2017

afa 2017

we all turned up in kigurumi and squished around in the convention hall. i forgot how many of us there were?? needless to say kigurumi is hardly convenient for dslrs, so no photos. 

18 November 2017

changing your beliefs? why are you doing that?

a lot of people change their beliefs because they "have" to. which i think is ridiculous and delusional.

it's a real thing that some parents suddenly become less homophobic when their kid turns out to be not straight, or dads becoming more feminist when they get a daughter. and the root of the whole issue is that they didn't understand the problem until someone they loved became the problem.

then they had to chose between putting the problem first, or their loved one first. and when they pick their loved one, it doesn't really mean they're less of a bigot. i mean, technically, yeah, your mom might stop using "gay"as a slur, but it's really out of necessity, if you really think about it.

these people didn't think about the issue, and realise that there's nothing inherently inferior or problematic about being not straight, or female. these people didn't think about it and realise, hey, i should try to be mindful about my stereotypes, and subconscious stereotypes. they didn't consciously choose to be nice people.

the presence of the non-straight loved one in their lives, for example, is like the only thing that made them think about it or try to change their ways. to put it another way, if the issue didn't concern their loved one, they'd probably be just as bigoted as ever, and all chill about it too.

i mean, yeah, good that people are becoming less of dicks, even if it's not entirely voluntary, or conscious, but i don't think it's anything worth celebrating on an individual level.

i mean, if you're going to tell me, "oh, i support the LGBTQ+ now! my nephew is gay" i'm just going to think you're intellectually weak. and pathetic. and without your own opinions.

really? it took your nephew being gay to make you realise supporting the lgbtq should be a given? or are you saying that you only care about them now that your nephew is one of "them"? because both options are pathetic. changing your mind like that is not something to brag about. it makes me think that you lack the intellectual rigour to examine things without your emotional bias. which doesn't bode well for you making any decisions, period. not just your lgbtq-related decisions.

in any case, whenever i come across one of these cases where e.g. a parent figure becomes less of a bigot when their child turns out to be part of the group that they discriminate against, i think, oh, that's great for the child. the parent? kind of pathetic of the parent. but it did turn out well for the child, and pretty okay overall. so i tend not to hang on to that too much.

but seriously. i think it's pathetic.

well, it's MORE pathetic to be a bigot, so i guess this is better in comparison. ya know, the lesser evil and everything.

2 October 2017

resolution. lol

well, at least now i no longer have to worry about not feeling attached to my family.

9 August 2017

the circle

so it's a bit oversimplified, dramatised, and plays into a lot of tropes - but the content is totally valid and true.

31 July 2017

#throwback photoshoot with tam

had a photoshoot with tamara in 2015 march, but i don't seem to have done anything with it. so here's a throwback post for july, since i'm going to have another photoshoot tomorrow. for the camp committee though, nothing too wild. 

22 June 2017

2 May 2017

got 2 wisdom teeth removed

5 days ago, give or take a few hours, i got both wisdom teeth on my right side removed. it was very anti-climatic.

24 April 2017

recently i just feel so suffused with hatred for everything.


22 March 2017

sakura ✿✿

i went to the sakura exhibit

sakura don't grow here normally, because this goddamned place is too hot all year-round to have any cool seasonal flowers like sakura


27 February 2017

my friend was like "are you still single"

my friend was like "are you still single"

and i didn't know how to reply like sry im too insecure to let people in ahaha, so i said "it's so hard to find a guy who can use english well"

friend was like, "oh really?"

i said, "yeah it's surprisingly hard"

wow at that moment i really felt how true it was. goddamn. accidentally discovering truths about myself.

been struggling with group writeups these days and im just about ready to take a flying leap out of my window. no matter how competent my classmates are or how many extra-curricular activities they're part of or how many clubs they lead and manage.... they can't even use english properly

and im not talking about english in general. im not a prescriptivist. ffs i dont use apostrophes and capital letters most of the time.

but this is my personal blog and !!!!! the assignment is a formal assignment. so, sry, im gonna have to ask you to adhere to all the teeny tiny archaic rules of english no matter how illogical they are.

but, for god's sake. i'm not even asking for much. i just want consistent tenses. and using the right tenses to describe past research vs the still applicable findings of said research. i just want them to use the FUCKING OXFORD COMMA.

/angry breathing

i just... want them to stop using semi-colons willy nilly.

they're 20++ years old and english is their first (sometimes only) language so...?????? is it too much to expect strong basics in the language. i'm not even asking them to juggle conjugations and past future perfect tenses whatever fuck. just. give me a grammatical sentence that also makes sense semantically. that's all i ask. i don't want to be ur editor i just want to do the groupwork!! just like everyone else!! i dont want to have to edit ur english ffs fffffffff why can't you just !!!!!! ive been editing my groupmates' english for years im sick and tired

/more angry breathing

this never fails to get me worked up.

and the amazing thing is how overall competent they are at all. bruh if you can juggle 10 extra activities can i please just ask you for consistent fucking tenses ffs.


back to my friend's innocuous comment.

i think im never going to date unless they can write properly. bonus points for explaining archaic english rules. bonus points for using "whom" correctly. nerding turns me on intellectually.

anyway im not about to make the first move when i hardly even have emotions + it's not like there's much about me for people to crush on = no one is ever going to crush on me and make the first move therefore i'll just support handsome idols and anime ikemens my whole life.

but thanks, friend, for being concerned, i guess.

i mean, i get a bit jealous when i see those lovey-dovey couples, but at the same time i'm also kind of like... what's so desirable about all that?? seems kind of like a hassle

13 February 2017

2016 11 06

i love it when i stay up past dawn and the skies turn pale pastel

when i look out the row of windows, i see that the sky is hazy, gentle. at this moment i can intensely feel how beautiful the world is. i always turn pensive, thinking of how big, how wondrous, how filled with possibilities the world is. 

it's indescribable. i am filled with respect for all living things. for this moment i am a better person than i have ever been.

2017 02 13

im so soft rereading this. i forgot i ever get sentimental

bought a set of ynwa albums and i cant wait for them to arrive

ok so i got a yoongi photocard and a taehyung photocard fyi

got my 2nd and 3rd bias but not jimin um

2 January 2017

2017 day 2 and emotions are already ruining everything

sometimes i feel like im living in a world full of idiots. but then i think, no, that can't be. there are so many people who are better than me at so many things. how could they be idiots? i'm not in any position to call them idiots. but honestly... it's not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of rationality.