10 March 2012

What the fuck?

This article refuses to link to anti-god sites to prevent them from gaining more visitors - but really, if your religious views are correct and God is the true God, you wouldn't have to fucking worry about some website stealing your believers.

It makes sense on the surface. Coca Cola would never link to Pepsi because Pepsi would steal away all their Coke fanatics.

However, this is a religion. If Christianity is truly the right way, then no one would stray away from it. Refusing to link is like telling everyone that you're insecure about your beliefs. The very fact that you're considering that Christians might be lured away shows that you yourself have entertained such thoughts.

Led astray? Really? More like refusing to provide proof. If the believers could read all the logical and well though-out arguments, I doubt they'll be believers any longer. Unless they're unde the influence of Blind Faith. Then they should use their brains.

If you're refuting someone's argument, tell me who that person is. Otherwise, I'll have no idea if you're lying. Likewise, if you're going to type out an essay about how selective a certain site is, then you should link to that site, so that you boost your own credibility.

Refusing to link is petty. Petty petty petty petty. Undeserved publicity my ass.

I link to plenty of horrible things. I do it so that people can see how unthinking the general public is. I don' see why this site can't do the same.


An exhaustive list of passages that non-believers quote.

I don't think all the non-believers would come to the same conclusions. Also, a large percentage of non-believers used to be Christians. They went for Bible class. Seriously. I suffered years of Christianity before realising that it was all retarded and useless.

The only thing I think religion is good for is sucking up to your religious boss.

Putting effort into studying doesn't require religion. Falling in love doesn't require religion. Taking proper care of your children does not require religion. Practically nothing does. Spiritual well-being? My ass.

You can worship whatever god you want, just don't drag it into conversations, or worse, try to convert me. My parents are in denial about my loss of faith (they've been in denial for two years, and despite my vehement protests, drag me to church on Sundays. I usually read blasphemous fanfiction in church.) and that fucking sucks.

It's like saying that they can't accept who I really am. That they really can't accept me, so their brain refuses to consider the concept of me being an atheist, even though I've screamed and cried over the topic

Religion made my parents really shitty parents. If I wasn't as critical as I am, my self-esteem would probably have suffered.

Anyway, that brings me back to the issue of not linking. It's not really such a big deal, but it's a basic. You're petty. Really petty.

And you have no faith in the power of your own religion. Undeserved publicity. You don't want anyone to read it lest they be swayed. To consider that option, you must have thought about it yourself.

Me being an atheist was unthinkable to my parents - that is, the possibility was so abhorrent that they refused to acknowledge its existence. To entertain thoughts of being swayed by the anti-christ site, you must first be swayed yourself - subconsciously or otherwise.

Reading this over again, I'm not sure if I went out of point. Anyway, I was really annoyed, so I started typing.

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