10 March 2012

MN Marriage Constitution

It's about defining the meaning of "marriage" as something that should be between a man and a woman only. It will be voted on in the 2012 election.

I can't really understand why anyone would vote "yes" like the couple in the video. I know the standard reasons - god, reproduction, the natural order, etc - but I don't understand.

Let's talk about the video first. I hate meaningless rambles. I hate it when things that are supposed to have a point don't have a point. Like the video. Exactly like the video. It has no meaning. It's supposed to explain the reason(s) behind their vote, but apparently the definition of "reason" differs greatly from person to person.

The video shows them talking about their family. Large family. Parents. Specifically admirable, strong parents. As I watch, I wonder when they're going to get to the point. (They're voting "yes".) Family is a great thing. But I wonder at the link to the topic.

Finally, they mention God. Catholicism.

... And nothing. They spent the entire <6 minutes talking about how wonderful it is to have values (the man says "values" and never defines them) and how great their families are.

At one point the man says "it's getting harder and harder to have a traditional male/female, mother/father dynamics on a daily basis" and I feel like punching a hole through something solid.

Let me explain with real reasons, why I feel extremely disgusted by this video. I'm going to show everyone how reasoning is done.

First - the video has basically nothing to do with the topic. On the surface, at least, but I'll talk about that later. Anyway, it's pointless to make a video that doesn't even address the issue given in a straightforward manner. It's stupid. Teachers would stamp a huge red F on it without even needing to think.

This is why I'm annoyed. I just wasted about 6 minutes watching a torturously slow video that doesn't address anything properly.

Second - they are homophobes. They sound like nice, family-orientated people, but the homophobia is worrying. The video implies that if you don't have a mother figure in the family (a family of two males, perhaps) then it's really difficult to find your identity. The subtext tells you that a child in a family with two males or females as parents will not grow up properly. It tells you that same-sex marriages leads to children (procured from unknown place) and their children won't be able to find their identity.

Wait, what?

The video also strongly emphasises the need for a family. A male/female family, specifically. It implies that without a male/female family, all the happy things they've mentioned about having a family will not happen. Basically, if two males marry, they can't have many many children. They can't raise them properly. Their children will be unhappy, because unlike the couple in the video, they didn't grow up in a male/female family.

"The masculinity of just a good, supportive father who loved and supported my mother as his wife."

Great. Subtle homophobia. Again with the man/woman thing.

This whole video makes me unbearably frustrated. Indirect and unvoiced homophobia everywhere. Ugh. (I didn't imagine it. Think about what they've said. It's all there.)

Third - they brought in religion. In a weird way.

God told Adam and Eve to go and procreate. In which way does this sentence tell you that "homosexuals should not marry"? God told a man and woman to go have babies. Perhaps it was a man and woman because only that combination can produce babies. Obviously. If it was Adam and John, or Eve and Mary, then the population would die out.

But the point here is marriage. Marriage does not - DOES NOT - mean children.

The woman also said that we should all follow the rules that God laid down for us. Logic-wise, it makes no sense. If we truly followed everything in the bible, there would be a huge market for slaves, and monogamy? What monogamy? If I don't like this woman then I can simply pursue another.

But, alright, let's put it in another way. Adam and Eve should procreate. Man and women should make children together. That's the rule. Men and women are still the only ones making babies together. I don't see what she has to complain about. You still need a sperm and an egg, even with today's technology. We're still following the archaic rules that God laid down a fucking long time ago, and she ceases to make any sense.

She also says that if we start making up our own rules, then we'll ruin everything. Okay, so maybe those weren't her exact words, but the sentiment is exactly the same. This is why I hate people bringing religion into anything.

They start getting illogical. Our own rules? There are a lot of "our own rules", and I bet everything I have that they're happily following quite a few of those "our own rules".

Ew. Religion.

Now that I'm done with my hastily constructed reasons, let's move on to the real reasons they oppose same-sex marriage.

Ooops. They didn't say that in the video, did they? They've never even mentioned that such things exist. Their wording is very suggestive. Carefully phrased.

The video, if you read between the lines, is about

1) We refuse to admit the existence of homosexuals by not admitting the possibility of same-sex marriage in a video of about 6 minutes, in which we ramble on about family.

2) Without a mother and father, the child will have a horrible childhood - that is to say, homosexuals are unable to bring up children properly.

3) Marriage means children. Homosexuals are unable to procreate; and even if they did, they'd make horrible parents.

4) We are Catholics, and we will obey God - on the outdated rules stated in the Bible (I'm still unsure about its authenticity, considering how no one knows who compiled it, or how everyone magically overcame the language and time barrier) and we will make children and own slaves (selling people as livestock was prominent - very prominent) and have multiple wives (Jacob, David, etc).

5) ... I'm not sure what they're going on about any more. Maybe it's "oooh, my family is extremely large and it's awesome and yay!!!"

Dammit, I hate people like that.

http://www.evilbible.com lists the atrocities the people in the holy Bible have committed. Obviously, non-believers who wish to discredit the faith reads the Bible more closely than the believers. While the non-believers think of the logic and hidden meanings, believers dwell on the spiritual aspect while conveniently ignoring the numerous issues in the Bible.

I hope everyone votes no. I hope people will become more open-minded and logical, and I fucking hope that people will start using their brains. Marriage is commitment, not children. Love is love, and not male/female love. Everyone should be allowed to love and marry someone.

Wait, no, the word allow shouldn't even be there in the sentence. Everyone can marry who(m?)ever they love. When this sentence becomes reality, we'll all be a whole lot happier. Except for certain people, who should have been born a few centuries back.

It makes me very distressed when people start being homophobic and religious.

1 comment:

  1. haha i see what you mean i literally laughed like crazy thru the entire thing lulz i mean what the shit man the vid was just crap and what you typed just emphasized the ridiculous-ness of it XD haha and if you're wondering why i'm posting this is because i just couldn't resist hehe
