4 March 2012


Recently, I realise with horror that the AmonDerevex account has closed.

This is what happened.

My horror was equal parts where do I find their english names now and holy shit all the embedded videos in my blog, I have to change them all.

Please excuse me while I go and weep about why anyone would think it's okay to close and delete all those wonderful videos. Please also excuse me while I smash some things while procrastinating about replacing the videos.

[I just spent ten minutes (probably less) stalking around for Iroha's Tsukema Tsukeru. It is hard work, and I am not pleased. Why the fuck would AD close that fucking account. Is a hiatus not good enough. Ugh.]

I am extremely displeased. So displeased that I can't really muster up any other emotion.

/EDIT:/ Videos have been changed. Ugh.


  1. It does makes sense, I'm sorry for thhe sudden comment here. In case you still don't know what happened, I can help you. Let's fisrt understand Amon's condition, that you can read here http://powerswithin.net/temp/amonderevexemail.jpg
    Well, the one who e-mail Amon is AzureHeart from deviantart, and one more time in case if you don't know, AzureHeart wrote a journal that will lead you to NND chorus personal youtube account that is if you want to know and you don't know. here's the link for the journal http://uttate-mita.deviantart.com/journal/AmonDerevex-and-NND-utaite-YouTube-channels-285367331

    1. sorry, I mean the one who email Amon is Melocadenza that doing the same thing as Amon.
