22 June 2011


This fucker in the video needs a brain check.

Homosexuality is perfectly fine and it's people like him who taunt the gay kids and make them feel horrible. If those people didn't exist, then kids wouldn't be committing suicide because of their orientation. They kill themselves because they're gay. It doesn't even make sense.

He's either spouting illogical statements to make money, or he's an idiot who truly believes in the crap that spills out of his mouth... whichever way, he's looking incredibly stupid at this moment.

Sometimes I feel like going to a gay camp just to piss people off. "Lol no I'm not taking the pledge because I feel that being homosexuality is as okay as being straight." Their expression would be priceless.

Their story makes me tear up.

If a landlord decides not to rent to a fat person, what would you think? What if a landlord decides not to rent to homosexuals? Depends on whether they're running it as a business or a personal thing... you don't see convenience stores refusing to sell a drink to gays.

"Sympathy must be extended to those who struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions, and every effort should be made to assist such persons to overcome those attractions, as many already have. "
From http://www.frc.org/human-sexuality#homosexuality

So what if they don't struggle with it? If they're happy being homosexual? The idea of 'struggling' was biased from the start.


I deplore people with mindsets like Damon Thompson.


Scroll down to the comments, where a Anonymous says 'God is love' along with 'Homosexuality... is a perversion of the devil.' Where's your love now? I don't believe in god, but you're shaming him as one of his believers. If 'God is love' then God loves homosexuals along with homophobes like you.


Okay wait, I'm appalled.


You fucker. My opinion of you has just gone down from nonexistent to less than that.

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