14 September 2010

GAH (full stop)

It kinda hurts to type, because (I admit) I type with a total of five (plus some, maybe) fingers, because it's too hard to place both of my hands on the keyboard. Hey. I have to hold a drink and/or sms. But it's also cuz I've never learned the proper way to type.

Now I'm thanking my lucky stars that I never did.

Because the pointer (it is a FINGER) on my left hand has a problem. More specifically, it hurts when I press it. It hurts... uh, like there's something sticking into my flesh.

Now imagine what would happen if I was used to typing with both of my hands, with all ten of my fingers. Torture, innit? I'd be going something like, fuck, fuck, dammit, ouch. It seriously hurts, okay? A lot.

I count myself lucky for another reason, and that is: I am obsessed, completely obsessed, with all things computer and internet. Now, why is that so? Because I spend hours each day on average typing into a stupid machine which doesn't actually respond to me.

And I'm happy for that because I type relatively fast even though I'm only using four fingers right now.

The frickin finger still hurts. And also I should be desperately trying to do some German homework, seeing as the oral exam is coming up and I have a lesson tomorrow. But now, I am here, bitching about my hurt finger (which, face it, is on my left hand, when I am a right-hander).

This tells you exactly how pathetic I am.

Yep, I admit it. I'm happy. Because I'm procrastinating like some serious shit.

And it sounds totally mental.

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