9 August 2011

Sungha Jung

In response to the search queries: no, I don't know if Sungha Jung is gay. No, there has been like no talk about his sexuality. No, apparently he does not have a girlfriend. If you want to write gay fanfiction about him, please write it. I think he played the guitar for G-Dragon's "That XX", so by all means ship them.

I started stalking him again.

Freaking hell, this world is full of amazing things. Or people. People.

Gaahhhhh he is so cuuuuute so adooooraaaaaable so omfg I want to squish him.

He plays the piano too what even-

HIS FINGERSSS. Look at his prettttyyyyy prettttyyyy long fingers that are so elegantly playing the piano oh my god air air air.

FINGERS FINGERS FINGERS please compare his fingers with your own right now and MARVEL AT HOW LONG AND SLIM AND FUCKING BEAUTIFUL THEY ARE. Such perfection.

But... but but but it's impossible. Is it me or did his fingers just get longer? And at the middle parts, notice him moving his head and having fun - adorable much, excuse me, nosebleeding.

BUT WHY? He plays the ukulele too, is this an overload of talents or an overload of talents? And oh please, smiling at the camera? He really wants to kill all his fangirls. And fanboys, because he has to have fanboys and fangirls and fanadults.

I am just too overwhelmed, okay. Just one last awesome video before I go off to play with some water - yes, so I'm a teen and I hate swimming.

I don't even know anything anymore, I'm just over here, dazzled by his face fingers looks skills everything ohgod ohgod.

...He's just one year older than me, ohmygod I am so embarrassed. He's over there with all his hard work and guitar and me... well no, nothing to show, actually.

So I lied about that being the last one. Whatever, more Sungha Jung is always good.

Oh hell, he's looking into the camera and everything. Like, I am too good, bitches. There's something indescribably alluring about an unshakable confidence and long slender fingers and amazing talent and ohgod I'm reading too much into this. (Let us assume here that I can write well, regardless of the truth - me insecure much - and say that these are the lines of thought of a typical writer. Either that, or those of an obsessed fangirl.)

B-b-b-b-b-but -

Aw fuck I love this guy. I like long slender (fucking beautiful) fingers on musical instruments okay. Especially if the music is beautiful too.

WHY. Why is he so awesomely awesome and ohfuck I can't even think properly, because his fingers and his nonchalant face (oh yes, I'm playing the guitar like a fucking pro because I am a pro, and this is not very very hard for me, like it is very very hard for you, because I have so much talent that it's amazing you haven't collapsed from the sheer amount of talent I have fuck yes I'm exaggerating, because I am a fangirl and I write, and I FUCKING LOVE HIM.)

Oh and the video right above - it was composed by him. WHAT EVEN. Crying tears (but seriously, what else do I cry?) it's so beeeeaaauuutiful I can just sit here and stare all day. In fact, I actually did that... more than once... and I'm going to learn Korean or he's gonna learn english and

What the fuck I need to shut myself up.

(People want to hear him sing. Me too. But if he doesn't, what the hell, I'm fine with it. I'm totally satisfied with his guitar piano ukulele whatnot. Asking for more would be greedy.)

/EDIT:/ I may be impressed for all the wrong reasons, because I am a ignorant little girl who happens to like long fingers and music. Stress ignorant.

My only experience with the guitar was a year-long course in primary six which I mostly hated because it made my fingers hurt.

My experience with the piano was... I took lessons for a few years, then quit, then started lessons again, then quit... and then again, I started lessons, then quit again, which is where I am now.

My experience with the ukulele... I wasn't really aware that there was such an instrument, actually. I knew that there was this mini-guitar-thingy but... yeah okay that just shows how pathetic my knowledge of instruments are.


  1. LOSERS !!!! BOTH OF YOU !!!

    I always knew that there was something about him, something about him that was cute and hot and alluring at the same time, AND OMG U VOICED IT ALL!!
    but girl u NEED this vid of his on ur blog! HES SOOOO SEXY IN IT! his hairs perfect and his clothes r formal & relaxed at same time, and he smiles and looks at the camera and flips his hair as he plays... AAAA I LUV HIM!
    ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl8KpTRKYuM

  3. He is very talented playing guitar and that is all really matter, but obviously and there is no need to ask, he is gay, just the way he moves and behaves.
