27 August 2011

Apple App - Exodus International


That was what I chanced on one day. I do realize that this is a little outdated, but I'm still extremely pissed...

Honestly, Apple...

I'm going to make this clear: I think this app is stupid, idiotic, pointless, detrimental to certain people's mental health, completely misguided, meaningless, and absolutely wrong.

By saying that being homosexual, or queer or anything else, can be cured, they're insinuating that it is wrong. By 'cure' http://www.thefreedictionary.com/_/dict.aspx?word=cure to cure a 'disease'.

By saying that it's wrong, those people who made the app are insinuating that homosexuality is a disease, which it is absolutely not, according to various lists of disorders. It's only some very foolish people wholes thinking that it's wrong and can be cured - no, it can't be cured.

Because it's perfectly natural, perfectly fine, perfectly okay. Majority of humans are heterosexual, and a minority is homosexual (queer, trans, etc) so they're discriminating against the homosexuals?

It's exactly like, for example, people with small noses discriminating against people with large noses (not really, just an analogy) or like people with long fingers discriminating against people with short fingers (another analogy). Neither homosexuality, nose size, or finger length can be changed.

So why should you discriminate against homosexuals?

(And screw the bible, dear, your darling bible says it's okay to keep slaves and adulterers too.)

This app is absolutely disgusting, and I can't ever forgive Apple for allowing this kind of monstrosity to be available to the general public (even for a little while). I can't ever forgive the fools who made the app too. Exodus International, you are despicable humans. If you're going to use the bible as an excuse for hating on non-heteros, you'd better keep slaves and stone adulterers too. If not, shut the fuck up about 'curing homosexuality'.

Unwanted same-sex attraction, the fuck. Disgusting assumptions. Absolutely disgusting. "any sexual expression outside of a monogamous marriage between one man and one woman falls outside of God’s creative intent for human sexual expression and is sinful" WHAT THE HOLY FUCK. They don't mention love. I know because I searched their page.

Marriage (which may or may not include love) between one male and one female is good, and sex is permitted.

Pffft. Seriously. Narrow-minded.

So if a man marries a woman for sex, then divorces her as soon as he's sick of her, then marries another person... Maybe I'm going too far with this.

Anyway. their (exodus) student blogs are horrifyingly fake. I'm not sure if I'm just cynical, or if it's just really scripted, but... here.

It's just a pile of rambling words, seemingly sophisticated and logical, but really just incoherent. I couldn't understand a single paragraph. The subject is confusing. (Subject as in grammar; the thing that we're talking about). The "blog" posts don't touch on anything concrete - they don't tell you what happens if you reject femininity. It's just, oh, steel walls, cold military base... enough of the Evading Sensitive and Logical Things.

Maybe I'm missing the point, because I admit, I can't see it from their point of view at all. However, I'd also like to point out that, if I was a lesbian and a christian, I would never in a fucking million years be persuaded by their bullcrap.

Or maybe I just haven't met anyone who isn't as contrary as me, someone who is more naive and trusting, someone who might actually believe exodus' crap.

Whatever, exodus disgusts me to no end.

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