3 September 2011

Parent Bloggers

I keep seeing adults on blogs. Why? Flip to the 'next blog' - it's either food (for adults) or parenting (for adults) or life (an adult's life).

It's not like I have something against them... but then maybe I do. Maybe it's my subconscious, urging me to type out a post moaning about all those adults bloggers who aren't interesting at all.

...No, I'm pretty sure I'm fine with them. But they're not interesting , at least to me, which... doesn't matter at all. Their blog, theirs. My blog, mine.

Still, where have all the teenagers gone? Every blog I see nowadays is run by a mum with pictures of her kid(s). Are teens too self-absorbed to blog? Or are they all illiterate...?

Illiterate seems a better bet.

BECAUSE. I keep spotting editorial errors in books - published and respectable books, books about psychology, no less. One book missed an apostrophe. It was about Freud, I think, and it was something about "the couples therapist". Honestly, it's 'the couple's', but since I have no way to emphasize an apostrophe... I'll just leave it at that.

But there's another one. It was quite a while ago, about the science of fear, and there was a typo, I think, about 'buy'. Or 'bought', but I clearly remember that there was an error. Is the standard slipping, or is my mind just switched to beta-mode indefinitely?

Wait, how did I come to this topic?

Oh yes. Illiterate teens. Who are older than me. And editors who aren't doing their job properly. And parent bloggers, whose blogs give me an impression that young people are too stupid to type out a logical post...

But they aren't, lol.

...Just most.

Not you probably, if you're a kid, but your friends. At least one of them... can't handle grammar...

...Depressing, isn't it.

...I've gone horribly off-topic again.

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