9 September 2011

BieberBabyBopper, not BeiberBabyBopper

They're both on Youtube, but whereas the first is just retarded, the second one is funny, and maybe even slightly intelligent.

The stupid: http://www.youtube.com/user/BieberBabyBopper
The troll: http://www.youtube.com/user/beiberbabybopper

(First off, I'm assuming that this person's female, because TBH I have yet to see any male Bieber fans) Clueless here says that she's homeschooled, which I think is rather believable. Really, sometimes I wonder if public schooling is working in any way at all...

Anyway, Clueless here like Lady Gaga, who has a "clean" image, and is a "band"... We are talking about Lady Gaga here, who deep-throated a crucifix (Alejandro, I think), and was practically naked in her Telephone MV. Among other things. Yes, I love her too. But clean? ...Um, okay, whatever you say.

Clueless also mentioned that she likes Miley Cyrus, who is also clean - obviously, my dear, strutting around like a horny whore is "clean". TCA'09, anyone? Not the 'holding the pole' part. The 'sliding down the pole' part. So "clean". Just like showing all those poor kids your bra. No, I don't like her.


Vocaloid, my dear... you insulted vocaloids.

No, it's okay. Vocaloid is "corruptive"? In what way? Like how they talk about stories? Story of Evil series... Synchronicity... Your fairy tales are worse than that - BUT OH WAIT. Did you only watch the Disney versions? Oh, then in that case I'm so sorry for breaking it to you. Sorry for ruining your happy little world, baby, Pied Piper drowned all the kids, Little Red Riding Hood got eaten, and Sleeping Beauty - raped and gave birth to two kids while still under a spell. Great, huh? And Vocaloids are "corruptive".

Don't get me started on how Vocaloids are voicebanks and programmes, so the only evil thing are the songs' creators, who, by the way, aren't evil.

"Targeting a young demographic with cartoons and trance inducing music" - missed a hyphen, Clueless. First - not cartoons. Animation. Second, adults watch them too. Teenagers too. Third: trance-inducing music? Oh, you mean perfectly normal music, with the same repetitive beats and monotonous tunes and overused lyrics? No, if you mean that, then no, Vocaloid music is not normal. It's creative, soulful, beautiful... But let's go ask a professional whether or not it's trance-inducing.


"Lure" children towards "violence and homoerotic fantasies". Hm. Actually... I don't know, there might be a point here. Oh, wait, no, violence? Like wars (reality)? So reality is bad? Vocaloids deal mainly with love, actually, and tragedy. Homoerotic fantasies are made by their fans, so technically no, Vocaloids don't lead children in that direction.

Not going to talk about Joe Camel. That stopped in 1997, which was around when most of us were babies, so it affects us in no way at all. Bitch. Irrelevant.

And sure, Vocaloids have no "bounds", because it's called "creativity", which you clearly lack. Again, they are voicebanks and programmes, so go and attack the compusers and producers - BUT LOL NO, you'd get sued for defamation and libel. Among other things. In fact, I think the "corruptive" bands will sue you too. Have fun giving out money.

Also, Vocaloids do not "stop at nothing" to "corrupt" your country. It's not even aimed at your country. Vocaloids are for everybody. English Vocaloids (Lola and Leon) and Japanese Vocaloids (Miku etc) and recently the Korean one (SeeU).

Targeted at your country? Bitch please, you're not that important. United States is powerful, but those wonderful Vocaloids weren't created with the goal of bringing your country to ruin in mind. In fact, you're insulting your own country, implying that programmes would be able to bring it down and that the supposed issue is large enough to pay attention to. Which it is not. There is no issue.

By the by, Clueless, if a Vocaloid listener commits suicide because of Vocaloids, it's their problem and not the Vocaloids' (oh yes, I haven't heard of a single case of that happening, and I don't see how any Vocaloid songs would be able to compel someone to kill themselves either). Unless it becomes a epidemic. In other words, when an alarming large percentage of Vocaloid listeners kill themselves solely because of the music and not because of other personal reasons.

So there.

BieberBabyBopper, your argument is invalid. Particularly the Vocaloid argument.

And the "heavy metal" thing. Lemme upload this picture.

Yes, Green Day is not heavy metal. Oh wait, neither are Vocaloids, which you put under the same category. Also you put heavy metal music (I think) on videos about how heavy metal corrupts people. Not sure if you're driving the point in, or spreading the "corruption". 

You sound like such a dick, assuming that your views apply to every single person on the internet - wait, that's not being a dick anymore, that's narcissistic and delusional. Narrow-minded. Egoistical. Ignorant. Idiotic. And I didn't have a thesaurus open. 

I'm writing this to refute your entirely pointless points about it all. By proving you wrong on every count, we are all on the way to rendering you a hopelessly stupid person on the internet who does not deserve to be mentioned, except when describing another person of equal stupidity. Contempt, darling, this is how it feels. Contempt.

Oh, and this part after this is very ... low. Shall we say that? That part is a personal attack. Don't read it. It's just my personal thoughts after being on tumblr for too long. Don't.

Don't read it. But well, if you want, it's here. 

I'll be really evil now, okay? Clueless, read this and know what true evil is.

You're not going to get laid, in your entire life, ever, unless you change that attitude or are raped. 

...Sorry for ruining your flawless image of me. 

/EDIT:/ The little fucker is a guy. 


  1. Genius!! But there are some heavy metal songs by Vocaloid out there, like 'Hope' and 'Despair'
    Sadly, I am only a guest, and cannot tell you how much your logic matchs mine. You see, I have no emali, and no Youtube account. But I did make a Powerpoint about how BBB is wrong. By the way, there was this guy called 'Trollking123'. We voted him off Youtube because he violated the rule of Youtube. Please, if you have a YT account, please flag and block Bieberbabybopper in order to get the Youtube owners attention that BBB violated the rule by using hate mail. If you do this, maybe BBB will leave YT! And, also, I heard BBB was a 14 year old boy named Ash. People, please call him 'Ashhole' from now on. Thx, and remember to flag and stuff! :D I sadly have no YT account, so I can't show you guys my Powerpoint. Soory. I'd tell you my YT name if I could. :(

  2. ...This just made my day. Nope, my LIFE.

  3. after reading some of the most offensive and ignorant comments posted by BBB on many Breaking Benjamin videos, I first felt the need to correct the little punk in hopes to set him straight with actual down to earth logic

    it wouldn't fit in the comments section ...

    so typed out on word it ended up to about 3 pages ... and i sent in a PM ... honnestly i hoped for a reply, even invited him to do so. even a small paragraph directed at me would have given me enough information to attempt to open his mind a bit ... maybe lessen the massive ammounts of hate he's been spreading.

    sadly i didn't get my small wish ... and he's continued his offensive slander

    so if they will not listen to reason, implement plan B

    report him for abuse

    issue - Hate speech against a protected group

    protected group - religious affiliation

    (select up to 20 comments to report)so much religious hate he's stirred up i could hand them about 50
    (select user's videos to report)
    have yet to watch ... but this is going to be one thorough report

    (additional notes) i'm not easily offended for myself but you do not upeset another peson infront of me ... even ones i've never met

    this is going to be fun...

    In the desire to live in a world without closed-minded hate ...
    - AR

  4. this is amazing! I ended up here cuz of BBB... lol I hope she just disappears.

  5. It's so stupid that he says discrimination is bad while he says that religion is bad all the time.
