29 August 2010

People Who Should Die

Right at the very top of that list are my parents. It's not a very practical thing to wish for, but yeah, it'd improve some things if they DID die. Such as the efficiency of things. Honestly, I could remind them about the same thing for about ten times, and the eleventh time they'd still need reminding.

How hopeless. They also get many, many, many of those debilitating headaches, which causes them to sit and/or lie somewhere and become... catatonic. Then they become completely bitchy and spacey after they wake up from their 'coma'. They (especially the female parent) tend to say stupid and pointless things just for the sake of saying stupid and pointless things.

This is my cue to have one of those debilitating headaches and sigh in annoyance.

I often wonder what exactly goes on inside their brains, because it is utterly incomprehensible to me. I am logical.  I amend that: I am mostly logical, except when I choose to abandon logic in favour of abnormalbility.

(Amelia and me: Abnormalbility is the absence of logic. Amelia I love you :D)

And then right next to that, a very close second, is my TTLY AWSUM Chinese teacher (The One Called Demetra, on ff.net). She's an old woman. She's menopausal (we think), and she's -.-|||. Why? Because she finds faults with everything I do, even when I'm not there: example, the AYLC incident, in 1A.

There are people with worse Chinese grades than me, there are people who forget to bring stuff more often than me, and there are people who blatantly says "HUH?" to her face. But for some inconceivable reason, she picks on me. Everyone knows that. The bias bitch.

Oh, and by the by, she also favours (read: bias to the point of ... whatever) two students in my class. Incidentally, those two students are the only ones who got A1 for Chinese. Funny, huh. Also they do a bit of sucking up on their parts, but I think one of them is aware of herself sucking up, but the other is probably unaware.

I saw probably. The other girl probably tries to show off a bit too. Yes. Both are girls.

Moving on to the third lucky chosen one: my principal. Oh, holy-fuckin'-god, it's a wonder how anyone can stand ten seconds of this man. (Console yourself, Helen, he retires in four years. Yeah, I know, and speaking of that, I'm gonna remain in that school simply to see him retire - and cheer like some shit)

His English (grammar and pronunciation plus vocabulary) suck. Everyone knows that. In fact, they often make fun of his seemingly uncontrollable habit of adding and "S" after everything. It gets old, sure, but it's still funny. Okay, but my point is that on the very first day of school, he told us that he prefers Chinese to English.

He proceeded to give every speech after that in mostly English.

Excluding that, he implies a lot of things for us to infer. One rotten apples turns the rest bad. The above mentioned "rotten apple" was a student, and that student was standing beside him at that point of time. Also he makes use of a lot of metaphors, similes, and other shit.

Which, most of the time, none of us bother to figure the actual literal meaning of.

Fourth: Imma run outta things to rant about. Sure there are many things to insult and poke fun at, but those are general things. I don't hate individuals. In fact, I can count all the individuals I hate on one hand. Okay, fine. So maybe I hate individuals too.

I know I hate them, because every time I think of them my head will feel like it's going to burst like a balloon or something akin to that. Not very alluring imagery. Not pleasant. Not even acceptable.

Nanana... I'm an insomniac. I realised that I really am one, after waking up multiple times on consecutive nights. For a period of two months. Shit. Screw life. I'm getting emo. Oh, and Amelia slept over last night, and I broke up with Aileen on Facebook and married Amelia. All very normal.

But then again, I'm not a very good judge for normality.

/EDIT:/ Wow this was LONG.

/EDIT:/ Mothers don't need debilitating headaches to be bitchy.