4 June 2012

so my parents dragged me to a church family camp... shit

There I was, happily sitting in a corner and reading some immoral gay fanfiction, when suddenly I hear this phrase: that walk not in the counsel of the ungodly.

(The rest of the good Christians were listening to some sort of ... something. Anyway, a man was speaking to them about the Most Wise and Kind Words of God.)

It's a part of Psalms 1:1
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

I'm not sure which edition they're using, but hey. Semantics. Or should it be technicalities?

Also I include this Most Informative link to the website of a certain Victory Baptist Temple from Piedmont, Missouri.

Ungodly people are ALWAYS opposed to God and his ways. 
... according to the website, which I shall presume to be the Christian interpretation of the phrase.

Please read the second paragraph for a description of an "ungodly person". An ungodly person's life is... "not godly". They... "reject God’s way and God’s order".

Sounds similar to an Atheist. Or a Pagan. Or a Buddhist. Hm. Let's go on, in any case.

The knowledge that the ungodly has is corrupted because they do not get it from God. Instead they get it from other ungodly people or from their own corrupted imagination. Their understanding is warped and perverted because their knowledge is corrupted. This explains how they can believe the foolishness and nonsense of evolution. 

Wait. Back it up a little. Repeat that last sentence.

 This explains how they can believe the foolishness and nonsense of evolution. 

I don't think they like science very much...

Okay, but not all Christians don't believe in evolution. In fact, I'm pretty sure that most of them do, because I personally know Christians who are scientists and seriously, you don't work in that field unless your accept evolution... unless they're hypocrites, using evolution as a basis for research but not actually believing in it... which makes them a bad Christian... hmm.

So let's take the 'evolution' part and throw it, because clearly this church is slightly odd. Sorry, let me rephrase. They are Slightly Odd (and please do try to understand the unspoken innuendo here).

(Frankly, I mean that I do not comprehend how they have any members.)

 Therefore, they have become depraved – crazy, and do not know what they are talking about! 

Anyone who is not a Christian should be housed in an asylum. Yes, thank you, very informative... Once again, a reminder: Christians kind of believe in a God. Who created Adam and Eve...

Back it up a little. Are you saying that your Most Merciful and Righteous God created those depraved and crazy people? Oh, and let's not forget that adorable serpent. Your dear God created that serpent too, did he not? In conclusion: your God creates heretics (hey, sorry, not sure if it refers only to Catholics, or Christians as well)... Why? I mean, everyone's supposed to worship Him, so why make a few lonely people who don't worship Him?

All right, let's go on.


Yes, they actually put it in all-caps.

Everything they say will be contrary to God, his Word, and his ways!

And if an atheist people happens to believe that one should love thy neighbour as thyself...?

Sorry, should probably stop attacking this particular church.

(But they use caps instead of italics, and that is Unsightly with a capital U.)

This is another link.

And I can't help but to think that the majority of Christians like condemning the Pleasures of Life, which is after all what makes Life actually Acceptable... I mean, really, you didn't have a choice of whether or not to be born, and now that you've been given birth to, you can't commit suicide cause that's hard and it's also illegal and stuff and that's why you need the Pleasures of Life to drown your sorrows in but then the church comes and condemns them all ohgod.

... Sorry. My outlook on life is rather depressing and I am rather depressed. I also happen to hate all of humanity, including myself, so perhaps it's not a good idea to read anything I type.

I mean, seriously, I'm Ungodly.

Also I commit the Most Heinous Crime of Blasphemy on a daily basis.

... Heresy! Kill the Ungodly!

/EDIT/: Ooops, was kind of really high and really cynical when I wrote this. Was also dying for some good gay fanfiction, which is unnaturally scarce.

/EDIT/: /EDIT/: Shit, sorry, totally went off point. Also, I don't care. Aw.

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