20 June 2012

DL LINK Euterpe, EGOIST, Guilty Crown, supercell, so on and so forth

I recently started watching Guilty Crown (read: today) and became obsessed with Euterpe, which is the song at the beginning of the first episode. Apparently it's by supercell, whose vocalist has been changed to Chelly (or Koeda, I'm confused) and in canon it's by a group called EGOIST. Confusing? Yes duh.

Anyway, I found the song so tear-jerking-ish that I decided to upload it for people who find the other Guilty Crown songs kind of boring (TBH Chelly only sounds nice in Euterpe, I miss Nagi EDIT: Chelly is nice, I don't really like Koeda). With vocals, without vocals (aka instrumental). Also karaoke.

It's on mediafire, which is cute (I mean that mediafire is cute). If the download links don't work, tell me. God knows I'm reachable somehow.

Also I include a most useful link to the lyrics.

18/07/15 edit: re: supercell

supercell was this jpop doujin group formed in '07. main guy ryo plus like ten illustrators an stuff. they made a major debut sometime. they used to use hatsune miku as a vocalist, then changed yanagi nagi, who left to make a major debut/indie debut whatever. a more legit career somehow.

nagi's singles don't chart as well as supercell/egoist but their albums seem to be the same-ish.

supercell held auditions for a new vocalist via the online video thing, and ended up picking two - chelly and koeda. chelly bc her singing was similar to nagi's. koeda bc her singing was NOT similar. they're young af and i think koeda's face has never been seen bc she's so young.

chelly sings under the name of "EGOIST", this fictional band first created in guilty crown. koeda sings under supercell.

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