30 June 2010

Flooding in July

Technically it's actually June, but who the hell cares. Now, I've got news for you - those who bother to read this, anyway. Those who manage to finish reading this post without falling asleep gets a bonus coffee. With chocolate. Heard that was supposed to keep you awake.

Anyway, deadlines are here again. Hooray. Everytime I try to sleep, I am kept awake by the damned deadlines hoveringhoveringhovering above my head. I can't sleep. That's what I'm trying to tell people. Apparently it's not apparent enough by the apparent eyebags on my face. So: insomnia.

And then there are multiple friendship issues. I have been turned off socializing. It's not all it's cracked up to be, honestly, and please don't believe me. Please go ahead and think that mixing with friends is a awesome way to spend your time, and stop bothering me. I am in no way interested in you. I am a very selfish individual.

I care only about me, myself, milk chocolate and yaoi.

And then, there's the problem of commitment. Yay, I know that's my favourite topic, because I am totally not committed. Yay. I have not been dreaming lately, nor have I been writing lately, nor have I been... doing any homework lately. Recently, meaning earlier today, I copied German homework.

I have absolutely no idea if it was correct. I also know zilch about whether the teacher suspects copying, but of course she must, given that I am so sincere I couldn't possibly be sincere, which actually simply means I am suspicious by being not suspicious, which doesn't really make sense, but let's continue.

Personally, I know I have many, many complicated mental issues, among those severe brain damage, obsessive compulsive disorder, and many unknown phobias, any of which could prove life-threatening at any time in the future.

Personally, I have also decided that I will add laziness to that list, therefore negating any need to get rid of that list, or cure any disease I have, because I am lazy.

Anyway, it has been decided that my online life will be postponed for an unknown period of time, because I need to get good grades for my Chinese for my online life in the long run. Let us all disregard the fact that I am likely to get a computer for a present in the next ten years.

Let us all also disregard that this post is ending, and I have drank the coffee and the chocolate.

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