21 June 2010

Notes on Death

So you musta noticed that I've become obsessed with the dead and death and heaven and such lately. Therefore the reason for the theme change. Yayy, more morbid stuff, that is SO, POSITIVELY, FUN, don't you agree?

/EDIT/: Aforementioned theme has been taken off.

Yeah, and by the way, I totally know I sound psycho. That is on purpose, so that you will suddenly feel like going to the toilet. So, this post will then be about the little bitty bits of notes I wrote when I have nothing better to do. This is because doing so will rid my phone of incriminating evidence.

The logic is: I can't get rid of those frigging thoughts, so I shall transfer them to my phone, and when my phone can't take it anymore I shall transfer it to the internet, because the internet is a wondrous thing and can withstand any crap this poor little girl throws at it.

Let the crap commence.

But wait. Let me go on and on about the horrible Death Note ending. About how Light goes unhinged and I couldn't watch it anymore. Because it ended. That's why it sucked. Also because it was D-R-A-M-A the whole thing was D-R-A-M-A. GOD!!!

What, you're gonna go away if I don't give you proof exactly how insane I am? Well, be prepared, mortal, because you're going to find out just how outrageous and random the mind of another mortal is.

Anonymous Day Number One:
Ah, my fellow anime fanatics are SO nice to talk to, especially in the middle of the night.

Anonymous Day Number Two:
I tidy whenever I can't stand the mess anymore.

Anonymous Day Number Three:
I have lost the ability to concentrate on German

Anonymous Day Number Four:
Take note, I was sick with the flu then.
Today was a good day. I got many reviews and favs and alerts on ff.net and nice cheerful reviews on FG. I don't feel that crappy anymore, thought I'm not sure if it'd the medicine or the reviews.

Anonymous Day Number Five:
Words are mysteriously missing.

Anonymous Day Number Six:
Man, lying is addictive.

Anonymous Day Number Seven:
I dump a lot of things to the next morning. Because I don't feel like dealing with that shit.

Anonymous Day Number Eight:
My life is shit.

Anonymous Day Number Nine:
Writing is my drug. I'm fucking addicted. Besides, it is fun to screw with peoples' heads. Even is those 'people' aren't real.

Anonymous Day Number Ten:
Suspended in time, in my own reality - oblivious and blissfully unaware - I wish that was true. Unfortunately, sooner or later we all have to come back to this crappy reality that some shitty idiot created.

Anonymous Day Number Eleven:
Sucks when your parents don't listen.
Lost interest in everything.

Anonymous Day Number Twelve:
Can you get drunk on root beer?
God should go to Hell for negligence.
Heaven would be bland, I imagine.
I think maybe I should go veggie.

Anonymous Day Number Thirteen:
Screw insomnia.

ANNND... that is all. Thirteen is a nice number, no? Okay, now I'll be off to pretend to do some homework. There's always people to copy from - no sweat.

I'll post more idiotic and stupid stuff when my brain and fingers co-operate, then. Bye, whoever you are.

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