24 April 2010

Bitches and Horrible-ness

Ya, so let me tell you the great news. I wasn't online for, like, forever, cuz I fell down and injured myself seriously again.You might remember how I totally screwed my finger up. Well, this time I fell and scraped my knee  so bad that I can see the flesh.

Um. Yeah.

Then I went to the dentist, found out I had five cavities.

Well. I like sweets. I like chocolate. Don't you?

Anyway, I had a bad experience with a dentist before, back when I was like seven or so. She drilled my teeth until there was fucking blood, and put a horrible-tasting 'medicine' in my mouth. I SUFFERED for the rest of the day. I mean it.

This time, the dentist was really nice, but she used a similar medicine as the previous one, and that so sucked. It was BAD. I had no appetite for the rest of the day, felt like spitting out every single drop of my saliva because it was 'tainted' with the taste, and my tooth FUCKING HURT.

On to the next annoying topic.

My CID teacher. WHAT THE HELL, SCREW HIM! I did a wonderful job, in fact, the only props that remotely resembled what they were supposed to be were made by me! (A very darn GREAT shield and crown) The other two members, boys ( shoulda known) made spikes that were squashed, and really like crumpled pieces of paper, which they were, and the other made crowns that looked like pieces of paper cut out then drawn on with a marker, which they so were too.

After I edited the crown and told them how to make spikes, it was so much better. But still sucky.

Then when it was time for our presentation, (forty-slide powerpoint courtesy of yours truly) I found out that they did NOT look at the fucking powerpoint which I SENT THEM DAYS AGO. I had time to do the powerpoint and I have an added third language and chinese remedial.


Basically it was a flop. But it was still cool n' all, then they teacher said some crap, which in the end was translated by me to be 'don't put the script in the powerpoint' and took ten minutes TO FUCKING GET IT OUT OF HIS MOUTH.

Then there was shit on how unprepared we were. Shitty shit about 'if this was graded I'd give you all ZERO'




You can tell how LIVID I was.

This man is obviously bitter about being assigned to teach CID, because he continuously talks about how it is still important (despite not being counted in the grades, despite it being an 'our school only' thing, despite, despite). And factoring in how cranky he is, he must be bitter.

That he wasn't good enough to be assigned to another MORE IMPORTANT subject, HAHAHA, IN YOUR SHITTY FACE, SUCKER.

Go. To. Hell. We don't need your crappy advice here. Just go and die.

And no, it's not just me. (Hey, look, not just me again. I am totally justified, lol)

And I have ranted and vented and now I feel like eating an ice-cream.

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