4 March 2010

Finger Problem

16/11/14 im sorry anyone had to read this shit

/EDIT/: 11 June 2012: What the fuck was I doing? What the fuck is this?

Remember my pwoor, pwoor, finger?

Let me describe it (the finger) for you. It's swollen. Half of the finger pad is red, the other an interesting array of colors (bruises). The nail... is dead. Not just 'dead skin cells' dead, it's gonna fall off when my new nail grows. The skin around the nail is also dark blue/purple, like the color from the nail (did I mention? the nail's blackish blue/purple too) bled into it.

I measured my finger. It has swelled 0.5cm. (I measured the same finger on my left hand and used it as a reference)

It throbs, god dammit, it throbs. Like an annoying background noise, maybe a persistent fly. And, hell, it aches too.

I keep forgetting it's there (even though it hurts) and banging it on something, which is, really, I think, the cause of the major swelling. Because, on the first day, it wasn't so bad.

Oh, and since my finger's so damn ... injured, I didn't drink much water (it's really inconvenient to hold cups) thus resulting in a nosebleed while I was changing clothes - halfway through. You can imagine. The exasperation and discomfort.

Yes, due to all those reason, and some other reasons (like school and teachers and homework and time and parents and schoolmates) I will not be updating this blog for a bit. I know I've just started this... but...

(here are some random thoughts)

-After writing a thousand words in two days for a fic-
Wow. My muse is back. Am very amazed.
/EDIT/: Last time I didn't use to write as much.

-Almost midnight, I'm rushing my homework-
What crap am I writing?! *Is sincerely flabbergasted by the mess I have produced... But decides to continue anyway*

-*Rolling eyes at parents*-
Such idiocy. "I've finished my homework." What completely unbelievable bullcrap. I haven't done it, I'm just waiting till I get to school so that I can copy it off someone. You... actually believe me.

Side Note: I have a sneaking suspicion that I am writing more here than I write for my homework assignments. Now that would be bad. *Thinks about complications and repercussion of this action* Ah, that's too deep. I know it's deep because I think too much about everything. Even this stray thought.

Tschüs! (It's german this time, the previous time it was Japanese)

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