30 June 2016

i am... entj?!

edit: not sure what i was on when i wrote this, i was just really amused by everything

in the past 10 or so years, i've turned from an INTP to an ENTP, and today i took the test again on a whim and discovered that i'm supposed to be an ENTJ now.


this is amazing. i can't tell you how amazing this is. i've never paid attention to any type other than my own, so it was a huge shock for me when i read the ENTJ explanation.

like... are ENTJs even real!?

i'm not joking, i mean, they're real?! a whole bunch of people like that?! it sounds like a parody honest. a huge joke. a satire put in by briggs herself. every type is legit but ENTJ just sounds completely overblown to extremes.

i mean!!

look at this!


it's not even asked in irony.

it's like ... an endless self-referencing joke where the joke makes fun of the joke. it's... it's just amazing. in all the ways.

and this article! http://blog.penelopetrunk.com/2015/12/07/secrets-about-personality-type-no-one-dares-to-tell-you/

let me quote you this gem

ENTJs don’t have secrets because they don’t care. About anything.

it's insane! but like, also insane in how it could totally be not insane. holy SHIT the existence of ENTJ types blows my mind. it mindfucks me all the way to outer space. 

it's also fucking weird how extremely specific bits about the ENTJ personality show up in my life. i am for real, 100%, utterly shocked. i can't believe it. i started laughing and couldn't stop. i mean, it's amazing! just think about it. i can't even explain why it's so amazing because i'm too busy being amazed. ENTJs sound exactly like me, except... flatter? more extreme? fucking crazy?

i'll show you this:

I said my first memory was watching TV with my family when men landed on the moon. It wasn’t the men landing on the moon that made an impression so much as that we were watching TV together, which my family never did before or after that night.

you know what's amazing? my family is exactly the same. we can't spend more than an hour together or else at least two people will get pissed at each other and end up fighting. when we eat dinner together it's more like we eat dinner separately, and just happen to be sitting in the same place. we leave when we're done eating. there's no happy family thing going on. we've never had a "family day" or anything. i've always thought that my family was full of alpha-alpha women (me, my mother, and from what my mother says, my grandmother as well), and men who just want to do their own things (my dad, my younger brother). so we literally can't stand each other's company for longer than ten minutes. 

and i DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND how this is in any way related to ENTJs but it's HILARIOUS that the exact same situation occurs in my family, what with everyone around me having cute family time together. 

and the comments! they're gold. 

The more logical I get, the more upset she gets. Literally — she gets angry and show it. This used to terrify and confuse me. I was looking for logic in all the wrong places. She wasn’t being logical, she was being emotional, and this was so lost on me. It just scared me as I had no reference points to make sense of it. 

god, this is my mother all over again. she really did terrify and confuse me at the same time, and i used to think she wasn't even human because she made zero sense. legit, that intense fear when you have no way to communicate. (plus she's asian so, it's even scarier when she's coming at you with a clotheshanger at the same time.) now i prefer to think that she just doesn't like thinking, which is again, an eerie parallel to the comment.

growing up I was told I could not do things, something you should never say to an ENTJ

and this! when i was three i was told i couldn't drink from a cup (instead of a sippy cup), ok, it was more like the adults being worried that i couldn't drink from a proper cup, SO i got up, walked out, and threw my sippy cup in the bin. the adults heard the bin lid crash down and everything. and then i endured three days of high fever because i actually didn't know how to drink from a proper cup. the usual punchline is that my mother bought me another sippy cup, but then i woke up from my fever just to tell her that i'd forgotten how to drink from a sippy cup. that's the usual punchline but i feel like when i'm telling this story in relation to the ENTJ type, every line is the punchline. anyway this is one of my favourite stories to tell.

another story that is simultaneously a triumph and failure is when i was 14 and really wanted to cosplay hatsune miku and my parents wouldn't let me buy a cosplay. the ending of this story is that i wrangled them into dropping 300+ on a cosplay that i hated and never wore and to this day i've never cosplayed. i won but ... where is my cosplay, y'know?

and it's amazing, even if i can't really see how it's directly connected to having the ENTJ personality type. because, the thing is, i've never seen anything that described my own life as well as the stuff i've seen in the ENTJ discussions. it's almost like i wrote it myself. i read it in my own voice! it majorly freaks me out. the tone, the flow, it's SCARILY similar - to how i write, and to how every other ENTJ writes. it freaks me out! it's amazing.

so even though i don't feel much like an ENTJ, i totally feel like an ENTJ. it's totally surreal. are ENTJs even real? i don't fucking know any more. i feel like they took over the world and they've told everyone but no one believes them because it's too outrageous. 

it's like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a whole bunch of driven, logical, competent people, that's too scary to think about. that might be why i start laughing every time an ENTJ gets described. it's ... it's a trope straight out of tv tropes! it just CAN'T BE REAL, you know what i mean? 

also if you search about ENTJs you get suggestions like "do entjs have feelings" so

anyway, i don't usually take the mbti thing seriously, it's just that the entj type is so goddamn amazing. 


postscript i was still thinking about this and i suddenly remembered a few days ago i was like

"god if i weren't superior to anyone then i'd probably die from the damage that my ego would take"

completely independent of the mbti, and at that moment i was reflecting on how i'd just discovered a deep fundamental truth about myself, and now i look at the entj descriptions like

how could i have ever thought that i was anything but entj


also on a more intellectual mode, the characteristics and rarity of ENTJs, (esp in women) has me wondering if ENTJs and similar personality types are the "good" sociopaths we've been looking for. don't look at me weird, my psychology interests just skew towards that section. i mean, it can't be a coincidence that professions with a high incidence of sociopaths and ENTJs overlap so much. 


i feel like ,,,, entj-typed people have so much less variation than any other type. all the stuff that entj (self-proclaimed?) write kind of have the same voice. like, naturally irreverent and casual, but also very serious about talking about themselves, but also aware that their seriousness about themselves comes off as being a dick, so they compensate with more irreverence and casualness, but also they don't want to lessen the impact of what they're saying so they amp up the seriousness... and so on.

it's legit such a trip bc entj are also so much more self-referential and self-aware, to the point where you start wondering if anyone actually starts out as a entj or do they psych themselves into becoming one, and then start psyching themselves out of being a entj, all while being very aware that they might/could/are psyching themselves in/out of entj-ness. it's like that ouroboros thing, where you wonder what happens when the snake chomps on its tail all the way until it catches up to itself. 

look, i'll show you with a quote from an anonymous entj

ENTJs (including myself) are all so self centered. Sometimes it’s convenient, but most of the time I feel like I’m obnoxious.

but there you are, dear entj, bragging obnoxiously about how self-aware and above obnoxiousness you are. and the thing is, the entj probably knows how obnoxious this confession is. so. always full circle.

it's really, amazingly so unreal, surreal to me that there are people like this all over the world, and also how SIMILAR they all are to each other. i literally cannot convey how much it blows my mind. i have never taken an interest in mbti until i read the description of entjs a few days ago. 

like this quote

I feel like if your feelings are important then you should just say them and then we can work it out because I’m not a mind reader so it really irritates me when my best friends act all sad and when I ask them what’s wrong because I care about them they sigh and say nothing, it just makes me want to punch them because they are wasting my time and if it’s nothing then stop being all dramatic about it.

and what i came up with by myself independently of all this mbti

if it's a big deal then let's deal with it, or else you can shut the hell up about how much of a big deal it is.

also, this quote

Yes, I completely understand what you are going through and how you feel about it and why you are acting the way you are. (Empathy: ability to know why humans are humans.) No, I don’t need to cry with you today. (Sympathy: inability to advance society because you and all your friends are feeling sorry for humanity.)

vs what i was thinking to myself, again independent of mbti

i got dollops of empathy but i have minus points in sympathy

i don't have a funny ending except for how i became utterly convinced that i was a soulless entj (and became proud of it) only to take another mbti and get typed as entp. by then i was convinced that i was too evil to be a entp so i wrote everything off as a joke and told myself that everyone knows im an evil dick anyway and i don't need some mbti to prove it.


to conclude this long rambly post when i read the entj description it felt like it described me like, 97%. i wondered if it was some cold-reading shit but as i've said earlier in the post the entj stuff matches what i've always thought about myself, and it matches Very Specifically, so probably it's pretty legit. also some people just have similar key characteristics so the mbti probably has some truth.

i saw a poll on whether entjs hate incompetence or laziness more, and i was like, how is this even a question? obviously incompetence was the main annoyance but it won by like, 67-33 or something, which isn't as large a margin as i'd imagined.

i mean, i personally can't stand incompetence. laziness might mean doing something slowly, or late into the timeline, or stuff like that, but at least lazy people can be made to do things. but with incompetence you're literally incapable of doing the thing, so it makes me think, like, why are you even here? what purpose do you even have? incompetence is a sin.

then again i guess some not-entj people might have voted in the poll, because i also saw some not-entj person say "you can't keep forcing lazy people to do things, they'll start resenting you" and i almost screamed at my computer screen, like who the fuck cares

as long as my stuff is done i literally don't care how offended they are, they can nurse their weak feelings at home, who the fuck cares. i don't get why people waste time and energy on unnecessary emotions, like, do you want to do stuff or not?! if you really want to do stuff, then do it! if what you really want is to nurse your bruised ego then go home and nurse it and stop bothering other people.


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