2 February 2015

i missed my january post because i was doing homework

yes, i can't believe it either. school started and i started doing homework every day like a robot. me. homework. it's almost an oxymoron.

it feels like the rest of my life's just going to be me going "well it's got to be done" and blankly doing work. that's terrible, that's like soul-crushingly terrible. i can't even remember what happened for new year's or anything because nothing really did.

i was going to say that i'm glad it's february, but i took that back immediately because that only means the 'a' levels are nearer. ew.

though i honestly think doing all the required work will get me four 'a's, definitely. i've only been getting bad grades because i've never actually bothered to do any of the required work. then again, if i don't start doing my required work soon, it'll be too late to do anything.


i really. really do not like school.

also i find myself losing absolutely all my patience for idiots. there is no patience. i give no fucks. this year i might actually punch someone. i know i've been saying this for years, and i've never actually punched anyone, but this year i'm just so stressed and ready to let go of all my frustration on the first misogynistic dickbag i see.

nothing interesting has happened since my last post. and i have nothing interesting planned in the forseeable future. and so i think i'm going to have a terrible, funless year. it's going to be joyless and i'll probably cry myself to sleep over my homework.

the most terrible part is that the lessons go so slowly that i end up being so bored that i fall asleep and learn nothing. we could probably just have self study rather than general paper lessons. it'd be more useful too. you can probably tell, but i'm really not made for school.

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