11 July 2014

angry incoherent rant in lower caps

seriously dude

i need to get this off my chest

if you say morality comes from god and that you follow god's word, you mean that you follow the bible. so if the bible says homosexuality is wrong, you'd say homosexuality is wrong. also by that you mean if the bible says to kill your son, you'd kill your son (that happened in the bible).

all it means is that you're probably pretty pathetic and have no moral compass of your own. dude, you're pretty much following an antiquated book which was actually doctored and revised over and over again by people to promote a certain sort of message. what does it say about you if your only morals are from some shitty fiction?

if you're going to say morality comes from god, you'd buy some slaves and marry your daughter off to her rapist. sounds good to you? probably not. so what are you doing, following the book? if you're going to pick and choose instead, then you're not even following the book, so why say you're following the book?

if you say that there's no morality without god, then it's probably reflective of your own views, in which case you are a dangerous person because you'd do things if 'god' told you to. 'god' sometimes is literally just a delusion, and at other times 'god' is a shitty pastor telling you to do shitty things. you're just dangerous because you have no limit and can't process if people are being sensible or ridiculous - that is if you really literally just follow the bible. but you probably won't stick a knife in your kid just because, so why say you're following the book? anyway, why follow the book anyway?

why can't you be a fucking good person all by yourself, because you have a moral compass and you are a good person? why the fuck do people need a fucking book to tell them what to do? a shitty, antiquated, lying piece of fiction.

even if you're following the morals of some shitty book instead of thinking by yourself, who the fuck gave you the right to impose your shitty values on other people. they don't even believe in your god, your god is so irrelevant to them it's just pathetic. stop forcing your shit down others' throats.

i'm very pissed off all of the time because people want to actually


which should sounds extremely alarming if you think about anything at all

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