8 June 2014


Minnacon is some small-time convention that doesn't actually draw a lot of people (my basis of comparison is AFA or maybe EOY or even STGCC) but it's pretty okay I guess.

Ian made me go but he didn't show until after five because he went with his friend Mr Unmemorable to some Love Live's character's birthday event. Anyway I went with Gabrielle so it was okay. Kind of boring. Ian's female classmates had a booth and they were doing commissions. Their drawings are pretty good but by the time I went over I was already broke. So. I awkwardly said hi.

Afterwards another girl thought Gabrielle and I were from that booth and asked if we were going to Anime Matsuri (another small-time convention I bet) and complimented the drawings..........very awkward.

Anyway there was a booth setup by a certain university's comics and animation society, and the A3 prints were really nice, and so I bought two, and the dude (with awesome hair by the way) mistook Gabrielle and I for university students.... which was, again, rather awkward, but for once in my life I was mistaken to be older. Yesssss.

To continue with that dude - he went to draw on the graffiti wall afterwards and the drawing was bloody awesome and people kept staring (including me of course) and then after he was done someone wanted to take a picture of him with the drawing. So he was very awkwardly standing there and more and more people came to take pictures of him and his drawing and his face started twitching and I saw and I started laughing and I think he saw me so he started laughing and then he made his escape.

look at it. it's so pretty. towards the end he kind of fucked up though and he said "shit" but
whatever if i can't spot the mistake then it's probably not that terrible

close up

his signature. can someone stalk that please.

The convention hall was pretty dark and there weren't many cosplayers so. The anime karaoke level was pretty high though. Better than what EOY's level used to be. Or the single SOY that I went to before it was cancelled.

Gabrielle and I spent some time being bored, having lunch, stoning in front of the stage, etc. After Ian arrived with Mr Unmemorable (no I still don't know his name and I still can't recognise him) we played a board game at some section of the hall. It was called Hanabi and was pretty confusing I think.

Some pictures follow.

gabrielle was excited about this. but is this denko it looks like denko.
reminds me that i never finished denko. what happened to denko anyway.

no game no life cosplay. i have been pimping this anime like you wouldn't believe.
am ecstatic to see a cosplay and quite a lot of fanart and merchandise.

matt smith love. am i right about the doctor though
bc i have never watched doctor who i would hate for angry fans to come after me

a sexy grell. a real man. no im not kidding this is a dude. v good. v nice dude.

cute female pink monobear. i still don't get the deal though. i never played danganronpa
i only watched the anime. am i missing out on something.

halfway through a spiderman appeared and gabrielle was kinda excited so.

ahhh, no game no life cosplays make me feel fulfilled.
what do you mean i am creepy.

v cute inori. at least i think it is inori i can be hard to tell. also i gave up on guilty crown
the protagonist was so fucking stupid oh god.

the cute little one from diabolik lovers. diabolik lovers seem popular.
why though. the art is nice but oh god it is so tedious i almost gave up.
there are too many dudes for me to remember any names.

more cute art

okay so this is what i bought and believe me it is bloody expensive i am broke

1: Rin-Len A3 poster set of eight, plus card stickers
2: One Kill la Kill A3 poster and one Free! A3 poster
3: Two "baka" badges and three Mekakucity Actors stickers
4: One Death Note poker card set and one Free! poker card set
5: One Sora A5 postcard and one Shiro A5 postcard and one Jibril bookmark

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