15 May 2014

angry angry phone post

What makes peop
What makes people perfectly capable of doing their jobs, but utterly inept at other things? Intelligent businessmen make stupid decisions about their wives. What makes adults so terrifyingly childish at logical tasks? What makes grown men throw tantrums and shut down the government? What makes good adults escalate minor disagreements with their children into family-splitting fights? What the fuck is it? Is it pride? Is it motherfucking emotions? Because if it is, then how fucking stupid. Again. Adults tend to be very stupid at certain things, because they think themselves correct and entitled to their entirely wrong opinion, precisely because they're adults and have lived longer or have more money. The world needs a fuckton less emotion, IMO. Isn't it better to be callous rather than inefficient? You're never going to fulfill your objective if you make every little tiny thing about your dick size. So WHAT about pride? Who the fuck cares about genuine debilitating opinions when you can easily fake a smile and get a raise? Seriously, why are people so insistent on being the supreme ruler of a rioting pack? I'd rather be the humble manager of a neat city. Do you really need to establish your superiority over your children - do you really place that over the child's physical and emotional wellbeing? Do you really place that over achieving understanding and resolving issues once and for all? All your stupid little pride does is make you look like an ass. Like, really, do you need to have a screaming argument for fifteen minutes and almost hit me, in order to establish your tenuous "right-ness"? Is it that hard to recognise that it's fucking late at night and I'm probably not going to care and thus back the fuck out of my room? Is it really necessary to unlock my room door, harrass me with unwelcome questions, get angry when I don't reply, and start a screaming match when I get angry at your assholery? Seriously. Fucking seriously!! What the fuck is WRONG with people? 23:45 and you won't back the fuck off. I'm screaming at you to get out and you think yelling at me more and obstinately (or just really stupidly) staying in my room - you think that's going to HELP ANYTHING????? Wow. Wow?? How many times must this repeat before you actually pay attention to what I say? Before you consider the other party's reactions to your actions? How the fuck did my parents survive this long? I'm not even going to attempt to mask it - dear fucking god, my parents won't stop doing stupid things and then assigning the guilt to me. They literally just blame me for everything. They talk incessantly about me not getting into university ("oh well you'll just have to go clean the streets") and then pressure me late at night about university choices and grades and scholarships ("first place is no problem right?"). ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO YOURSELF. I'm aware that everyone is to some degree hypocritical, but dude. I am AWARE and can thus SELF-CORRECT. My parents, meanwhile, seem perfectly content to remain stupid in this area and stubborning refuse to hear anything I say about their illogical behaviour. Look, do you really need excess emotions? I'd be perfectly fine with doing some unethical things to get a shortcut to Happyland. Meanwhile others get angry over ethics and don't even get that they want to go to Happyland. Like, just. What the fuck. Excess emotions are the bane of everything. I literally set aside time for crying, to get rid of my excess emotions without any detriment to my life. Why can't others do this? Why must we suffer from an affliction of emotional retardation?

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