29 June 2013


2015 june edit: god i used to be so stupid. yes, i am a feminist. i read up on the origin of the name "feminism" so i am over that now.

Edit: I just want to sum this up-

The idea of feminism is good, but I have a few issues with it: first, that it's called feminism. It gives the impression that it caters more towards discrimination against females. Which is not true. But, you know, impressions.

Also feminists are protective of feminists and feminism. Which is good. But also bad, because feminism is self-proclaimed, which means that any idiot can call themselves a feminist, and say things under the banner of feminism, even things that clearly contradict logic and gender equality. When they're attacked by others for being stupid, other feminists come to their rescue. Which is stupid. When someone is saying illogical and stupid things, don't defend them. Because there's nothing to defend.

Which is why I'm not a feminist. The whole thing frustrates me, both feminism and the view of feminism. I'm just going to ditch this pointless battle of perspectives and ideals and truth and just be a decent person.

There are idiots on tumblr who attack others for not having the same views. Typing out a coherent counter argument and using sarcasm as a side dish is called sass. Using sarcasm and no content just to piss people off is called idiocy. If you don't even reply to my points, how am I supposed to rebut it? 

I do admit that I'm the one who sought them out by reblogging something and adding counter arguments, but the least they could do is to counter my counters or something. Going into semantics is avoiding the topic in most cases.

I cannot believe that such idiots exist. They claim that if patriarchy exists, then women wouldn't be free to marry who they like - ahem. It just proves that patriarchy DOES exist in the world, the only difference is the how severe it is. (People who call themselves antifeminists, sigh.)

I really, really, really hate people who don't read international news. Just because you're in America and America, frankly speaking, makes up a large part of the world, doesn't mean that you can ignore what's happening in other places. Also people who don't do research and claim stupid things to be true. I hate them too.

An antifeminist blog claimed that if patriarchy exists, then women wouldn't be able to get abortions - ahem. Is it really that difficult to google something? Tons of women in America can't get abortions. There was SB5 just a few days ago. And a man just said that he'd thank Rick Perry for trying to make abortion harder.

Deep sigh of sadness for humanity.

Antifeminist blogs say that feminists attack others for not having the same views (again, the idiotic act of assuming that every single feminist is a terrible person and acts the same way) (and because feminists' definition of feminism is "gender equality", not supporting gender equality or feminism is like not supporting racial equality) but the antifeminist blogs that I've seen attack others for being a feminist.

I wouldn't mind content-based attacks, but I totally mind insult-slinging, which basically means that you can't think of much.

Let's get down to the real reason for this post. And the reason is that I'd like to put it out here that I'm not a feminist.

Feminism is a category, see, and people (especially idiots) tend to think that everyone under a certain category behaves a certain way. With the controversy around feminism (from equality of genders to man-hating) it seems to me that calling myself a feminist would make people have preconceived notions about me.

Anyway, I do dislike how "supporting gender equality" became "feminism", which sounds like it's just pro-female. I know a lot of feminists are wonderful and clear-headed people who campaign purely for gender equality - because female rights are lagging behind men's rights, so it appears that they only care about females, even though they're just trying to catch up to men.

But there are idiots doing stupid things under the umbrella of feminism. People who say that all men rape. People who claim that men's rights should be taken away. People who scream "male privilege" at everything. (Essentially they are as stupid as antifeminists who think that people who hate men are definitely feminists.)

And it's easy to get carried away a bit with feminism. 

(For example I wouldn't care if anyone wolf-whistled at me. And I wouldn't punch a guy for touching me. But I would totally punch him if I've told him seriously that I'm not interested but he still continues touching me. And I wouldn't say that a man holding a door open for a woman is contributing to the stereotype that women are weak and need to be protected. I'd hold open doors for men. Because I'm nice. And men will hold open doors for women. Because they're nice. It's rare to find people who genuinely believe that women are so weak to the point where they need to hold open doors for women.)

Feminism is a label. It's might be good, or it might be bad, but I'm not keen to attach labels to myself unnecessarily.

So right now, I wouldn't call myself a feminist. But I am all for gender equality. And because right now, females < males, I would campaign with feminists. I would campaign for men's rights too, but then again, no one's actually trying to take away any men's rights.

This is a pretty good article - http://bespectacledape.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/what-anti-feminists-wont-and-maybe-cant-understand/

P.S. Also would you mind letting it be known to Rick Perry that tons of people really really dislike him trying so hard to take away women's rights to their own bodies? Call him up and send him letters and stuff. 

Edit: to clear this up, if anyone asks me "are you a feminist?" I would reply "I wouldn't call myself one, but I basically stand for (almost) everything that feminism stands for". 

Essentially I oppose is the stupid image that others have of feminism. And being a feminist and trying to refute that image by being nice isn't easy nor very effective. Instead I am going to say that I support equality and that's also what feminism supports, yay for equality. And others won't think of me as an angry female ogre and ignore what I say before I even say it and agree that they too support gender equality and gradually I'll have made them supports a good thing. Which is equality

(And I do realise that I am probably not the best person to talk about idealism because I basically don't care much as long as I'm fine personally but.)

I'm not denying that males and females have biological differences, I'm just saying that if a female lifts ten kg of concrete across ten metres in ten seconds, and a man lifts ten kg of concrete across ten metres in ten seconds, then they should be given the same amount of money and the same amount of job opportunities. Also I'm saying that it's okay for there to be more male construction workers than female, because the majority of females don't possess a physique that fits the job. (Biological differences, yoooo.)

I'm also saying that no one should look down on women for trying to correct those biological differences by maybe killing her ovaries and getting rid of periods. 

I'm saying that for government jobs there should be about an equal number of males and females because ultimately females will fight for female citizens because they as a female will be affected by those laws while males might not fight as much because they're aren't affected by laws targeted at females. You get what I'm saying? If male citizens get two representatives then female citizen should also get two representatives, yes? 

Also yes don't call me an idealist because I am a realist, I understand that the senate and stuff doesn't work by the "one female for one male" rule. I'm just talking about the outcome that would be good, and what feasible ways can we improve our situation until it comes close to the good outcome.

Basically I'm just like if they do the same things, give them the same rights, yes? Just equality. 

Edit 2: I am so angry that antifeminists who say that feminism isn't equality because it's FEMinism are saying that antiFEMinism wants gender equality. Are you guys stupid? If feminism isn't an accurate label for gender equality then what makes you think that antifeminism is a good label? If anything antifeminism is a worse label than feminism, because it's anti-something, basically negative, against something. 

Dear gods above.

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