18 April 2016

regarding my job

remember when i said i could "play it up" and make it "sound" like i was responsible for the workings of the whole clinic? now i actually am. responsible. for the whole damned clinic.

i got a raise to 10 an hour.

and my boss keeps forgetting that i have off days. i mean, i don't know if she forgot or if it's intentional bc i don't have the guts to ask her but whatever.

she just hands me documents and says "tell me where to sign" like. ???? her tech stuff is always breaking down and she doesnt know anything about it and anyone who knows anything about has left so i have to organise everything for her

and also she's lost money because no one was around to do the government claims for her so

and everyone else also keeps asking me about stuff and im like... dude... ur the clinic manager... or like dude... u been here two years... how tf am i supposed to know more than you...

it basically tells me that im working w idiots who can't be bothered to learn anything, sorry im mean

it really boggles my mind how they can be confused about it after working there for so long?? i'm confused too?? who am i supposed to ask if YOU'RE ALSO CONFUSED

i hate this job but i love the money.


i hate people who make a lot of fuss about nothing and my boss is exactly like that. her first reaction is a huge reaction. and she's always like "why didn't you tell me??"

why? bc she'll just make a fuss when she can't even handle it anyway, and i'll have to explain things to her which she won't even understand. she's clever and her personality is strong but god. she's so incompetent at admin and management.

the moment she starts getting excited is the moment i want to turn around and go straight home and tuck myself into bed.

i guess that's why she's the boss and not the manager? but she should hire a manager to make up for everything... well, she did hire a manager but he got sick of her personality and left lol.

i mean... she's always fussing about how people are going to pay and when they're going to pay but.

1. she's running a dental clinic. they can't run away. especially when their treatment is halfway done.

2. she's so worked up about the payments now but she's lost about 3-4 thousand from unclaimed government things and fees from bad management and shit. (like admin fees for wrongly claimed things)

i mean

at least worry about all the money. isn't her focus a bit too narrow? or is her thought process something like "i'll bring in the money and you can deal with it" but at least she should hire someone to manage it right?! i'm a part timer (!!)

her personality gives me stress

i don't even mind everyone being confused anymore, she gives everyone a lot of stress and if she's confused, it's a given that all the other employees are also confused, right?


++ more update,

she asked me to write the letter for the PIC claim, productivity and innovation credit whatever, the government is supposed to reimburse you for spending on stuff that helps your business become better

it's a letter with $66,000++ dollars hinging on it

i am, once again:

1. a temp

2. been working for her for an astonishingly long time of 4.5 months

3. this is literally my first actual job ever

she did have the materials/references, and a really bad draft of the letter which contains the gist of what im supposed to write. but the one who has to make it all tie together is me. i'm supposed to convince government officials to give her six-figure sums.

she has this employee which has been handling her admin for like 5 years (in addition to being a dental hygienist), and like, i guess she comes to me because my english is better or i can kiss the government's ass better or she thinks im more highly educated in general, but boss:

my english might be good, but you can't push responsibility worth $66,000++ on to me.

because whatever i type is probably going to be more or less her final draft.

it makes me nervous (!)


also, i guess, this is my introduction to billable hours.

because mike's been doing a lot of work for free, and i literally cannot and never will understand that. she can't claim her overtime pay and last night i woke up at 4am and she was doing stuff for work. even if she says it's fun, i think it's fucking crazy, i'd find a way to have fun AND get paid.

i wonder if she's too well-off to be on the same level as us mortals (her mother's salary is crazy) but then again she's like, basing her decision of whether to go out with everyone else on how much her commission is.

i literally don't understand it and i don't want to talk about it with her ever because it hurts my head. if i ever do that, you should call me stupid and send me to a hospital because something will definitely be wrong with me. but im not mike and i don't want to judge her decisions based on me. even though i really think it's dumb.

i want to do billable hours in the future. for sure.


she asked me to write up the contract for the new general manager for her. i want to reiterate how utterly underqualified i am, but even im beginning to get nauseated by how many times i've said it.


i've been updating this post since 2 months ago and now it's june and it's shittier than ever.

the clinic has two branches and one branch isn't open every day, that's the one that i'm supposedly "in-charge" of (god, JUST PAY ME MORE, THIS DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A RECEPTIONIST'S DUTIES, BEING IN-CHARGE OF A BRANCH)

anyway the clinic's phone is diverted to a clinic's cell phone when the branch is closed, and i'm carrying the clinic's cell phone that is supposed to receive all the calls from that branch. yeah it rings any fucking time. on my days off. when im out with friends. all the fucking time.

and i do my work, sometimes i pick it up if im at home, near my laptop, so i can log on to the clinic's system and make an appointment for them. other times im fucking outside and i send their numbers to any working colleague, or just get back to them the next day when im working.

and!! this is already outside of my job scope and is FREE WORK im not even getting paid for this shit.

the worst is when some self-entitled prick calls and talks for half an hour and makes a fuss about everything etcetc and i want to cry and kill myself.

i just had a patient call, she wants 5 appointments for herself and her 4 kids.

she's like: im being accommodating so i asked for the latest appointment because my schedule is difficult

lady, everyone else works and everyone else wants the after work appointments. i'd give the appointment to you but you want 5 FUCKING APPOINTMENTS. you're not being accommodating, also, NEWFLASH DENTISTS ALSO NEED TO GO HOME.

she's like, last time i had a 8pm appointment but im disappointed that you guys close earlier now

again, DENTISTS NEED TO GO HOME. also her last appointment was like 2 years ago and SHE KNOWS THAT. maybe, oh, i don't know, MAYBE clinics change their opening hours because shitty patients like her prevent people from going home?????

then she starts telling me her whole life story like how she has the day off, she shifted her children's tuitions, she has a dinner reservation near the clinic, blah blah blah blah no one cares.

NO ONE CARES!! just tell me which other day you're available so i can make a fucking appointment then apologise for everything and then hang up on you and get back to my OFF DAY.

BUT OH, she's like, can't you do something about it?? OF COURSE NOT, LADY, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I'M ASKING YOU TO RESCHEDULE. if something could be done then i'd have done it ok??????? you're like asking the whole clinic to accommodate your "accommodating" self.

also she wanted her daughter's birthday month discount applied to her whole family of F I V E.

THEN when i tell her we really can't see her, she gets mad, starts shouting over the phone, tell me her story another ten times, like how she took a half day off to accommodate us (NO ONE ASKED YOU TO, STOP MARTYRING YOURSELF, IT'S PATHETIC) how we asked her to come in the evening but now we're switching her appointment again (YOU ASKED FOR THE EVENING SLOT)

i offer her 28th june because she wants to get the dental done A) within june B) in one go BUT THEN SHE STARTS YELLING ABOUT HOW THAT ISN'T THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS ANYMORE. she asked me to do my homework but bitch, 28th is the start of school term for PSLE students only. she has four fucking kids. she should fucking know. for everyone else the school term starts in july.

and i tell her which days we're open, and ask her which day she's free, but she just doesn't tell me and goes on about "so what now?!" bitch, what now is that you won't tell me which day you want to change the appointment to, i WAS sorry about having to change your appointment but not any more, oh fucking no.


also i made her initial appointment and told her my name was helen, but today she was totally convinced that the person was a male. there is no male person in the entire clinic except for the senior dentist and he would never be anywhere near the phone, much less pick it up. also, i guarantee you i don't sound masculine on the phone. so im convinced that she's a little FUCKING dumb. just drop dead and save literally everyone else in the whole world from having to deal with you.

by the way when i initially made her appointment, she whined a lot about every single day so i agreed to squeeze her in and delay the dentist's closing hour by a bit. but then someone else (some other bloody receptionist) made appointments in that time slot so now she's squeezed out and i have to listen to her whine again. like, this isn't the only dental clinic in the area, please.

i mean, we have time to see like three people, but she's coming as a GROUP OF FIVE, have you seen any private clinic welcome a huge party? they take up a lot of time, you can't really accommodate their timings because they TAKE UP SO MUCH TIME, and if they cancel on you last minute you're left with a gaping slot with no money to earn. it's NOT EASY to fit in five fucking appointments together.


there are more horror stories.

like this guy who wanted his daughter to see the dentist. appointment for 10am. didn't show up, didn't call, didn't pick up our calls. the next day is admin day and they turn up OUT OF THE BLUE at 11am wanting to see a dentist. of course there aren't any dentists available AND of course when i tell him that he's not happy. bitch do you think dentists exist to cater to you. make a fucking appointment. this is why we ask you to fucking make appointments.

this other woman whose son was going to extract two wisdom teeth the next day, non-surgical procedure, takes about one hour. she calls up the day before, wants to change it to the senior dentist. A) the senior dentist doesn't want to waste his time on your simple procedures B) the senior dentist is at another branch that day. of course, the woman then asks if the senior dentist could make a special trip down to see her son. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

this job gives me a lot of emotional baggage because i have to smile and be nice all the time, even to the absolute shittiest people who demand that everything goes their way, even to people that i'd much rather just slap. every evening i come home full of pent-up anger and i can't wait to be mean to everyone. i hate having to smile. i hate those shitty patients.

but also i hate my fucking boss, who:

1: dumps stuff on me that i have no idea how to do/am not qualified to do
2: expects me to do them all perfectly
3: is disappointed (she has the fucking nerve) when i can't do them perfectly
4: tells me i'm not doing my actual job + weird jobs she asks me to do properly
5: doesn't send out the fucking roster a week in advance like she's supposed to do!!! it's the fuckinig minimum
6: changes the roster like the wind changes direction
7: i just... hate everything i want to be mean and/or kill myself and/or puke this whole thing is fucking dumb and there's nothing worse than being dumb, to me.

keep waiting for more dental clinic management horror stories... i wish they'd all drop dead.

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