23 May 2013

I say callous things but i don't mean it callously

Sometimes I say a lot of things that may seem callous and thoughtless and insensitive, but it actually isn't, it's just that I didn't give any elaboration, being as lazy as I am. And today I'll elaborate on defeatists, and why I think they're actually lowest of the low and are idiots. 

Also it frustrates me that "sensitive" topics are monitored and censored, because who made it sensitive in the first place?? Yes those who felt that they were being attacked... Who made religion a "sensitive" topic? Religious people.

Sometimes I cannot fathom why humans don't say "look, you said this, and it hurt my feelings because reasons a b and c, I would like you to understand this and refrain from doing that again, thank you". That would solve everything I think. Or mostly everything. 

You could reply with "yes I did this, and I understand where you're coming from, but because of reasons a b and c, I think I am right to persist with this behaviour, etc". That would solve another bunch of problems, yes?

I cannot fathom why humans can't stand having their belief system examined closely... If your belief system is found to be flawed, then you should get rid of it immediately, reevaluate your life and ideals, and so on... Definitely not stick to your broken beliefs and yell that everyone's bullying you.

I don't understand, why it's so hard for humans to look at things critically, detachedly.

If a cup is broken, it's broken. Yelling that it isn't won't change anything. But throwing it away, glueing it back together, or buying a new cup, those are all things that are possible, plausible, and I completely encourage them. 

What's happened to humanity? I see people saying that "it's broken. It's broken! That's it, it's broken!" Yes, but what are you going to do? Sit in your chair and stagnate? Yell about your broken cup forever?

You say that the government is flawed, wrong, detrimental. So what are you going to do? Revolutionise the country and get people killed? Infiltrate the system and change it to your liking? Use the government's limits and manipulate it to suit your desires? 

It's all possible. Don't be a defeatist. You have arms and legs - if you're hungry, make yourself some food, or gnaw on your companion, or trick someone into feeding you. Sitting there and starving is the epitome of stupidity. 

You say that struggling is futile, but you haven't even tried. More than that, you've never even considered it. Struggling is a completely viable option, yet you choose to sit and stagnate. Struggling is action, sitting is inaction. I understand that inaction is so much easier than action.

But are you willing to stagnate your entire life? Are you willing to live a life that you're not remotely satisfied with, a life that turns your stomach, a life that you'd rather not live? 

Even tiny actions help. Sweep away a broken cup - at least there aren't any more glass shards to slice up your feet. Say a nice word to someone - let them do your work for you. There is always a goal in mind, even if it's getting a bar of chocolate. And there are always options available.

Sometimes you don't feel strongly enough about something to do anything, even though you're not satisfied with the current situation. It's okay. Do things that matter to you. Do things that you feel something for. 

Take steps towards achieving that bar of chocolate. 

Because sitting there and moaning about not having chocolate is despicable, if you're not planning to ever get that chocolate. But sitting there and moaning about chocolate is acceptable, if you have plans to get that chocolate, be it an hour later or ten years later.

Don't be a defeatist. Anything is better than defeatism. Nihilism is better. Fascism is better. To be a defeatist is to give up life. To be a defeatist is to think "oh, I can't stop her from pushing me onto the train tracks, so I won't even try", and you'll die mashed into bits, with nothing notable achieved, and you won't even have a paltry bar of chocolate. 

(To add on, suicide isn't defeatist. You're taking steps to achieve something with a vague end goal in mind. If you accomplish your goal successfully, then it's commendable, whether it's right or wrong. You can't deny that you've done something that you wanted to do. Whether that's a correct thing to do is entirely separate from the fact that you've done it.)

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