28 April 2013

ok so this is just another post about me

I am going to tell you that I am borderline OCD.

I am not actually OCD. I have read books about OCD and stories about people with OCD and I can safely tell you that I do not actually have OCD.

But I literally go crazy when people touch my things without permission. Why? Because the possibility that they might have moved whatever thing that they touched drives me insane. The possibility that my stuff might have been rearranged is seriously unbearable to me.

Want to get me out of bed on Sunday? Start touching things on my desk. 100% guarantee, I'll be up within a minute.

Other people moving my stuff makes me so twitchy that I will just grab them to make them stop, even if they're strangers. Actually I'll probably restrain myself for the sake of propriety, but after they turn away I'll just put my stuff back in its original position. Even if it's been moved less than a cm away. I cannot. I cannot just let it stay where someone else put it.

I don't know if this screams possessive or control freak or OCD, but I understand that most people do not freak out over parents touching their stuff. Like, I'm talking about just running a finger over something. I have to stare at them the entire time to make sure that they don't do anything.

Actually now that I think about it I think this screams trust issues or insecurity but whatever.

Also I have other borderline OCD characteristics. If someone's desk or bag or file or anything is not neatly organised, I will thoroughly invade their personal space and ignore all social norms to make it neat.

Actually, probably not, for the sake of propriety. Often I realise that I've been reaching towards a friend's belongings to help them tidy it, and then forcibly pull my hand back.

I have actually descended to the point where I have a compulsion to even organise wallets. I believe I've mentioned this before, but notes have to be facing the same way, stacked nicely, and smoothened out.

Yes I realise that most people usually do not feel compelled to tidy your stuff for you.

It's just that clutter makes me uncomfortable and distracts me. I like simplicity. Blank spaces. I will do a lot of things to somehow make things look good and neat. I like to know where things are. I like to be organised. In fact if you ask me where something is, my reply will either be "idk that's not mine" or I'll give you specific directions to where that thing is.

Ok and I'm also a bit of a hoarder. I dislike deleting things. But I also like having things neatly named and put in folders and having one of each file.

Basically what I'm saying is that making things tidy makes me feel good. And that I have issues, maybe.

(Don't get me started on grammar and spelling and presentations.)

But I'd like to make it clear that I do not have OCD because OCD is a serious thing and my issues are pretty minor I think.

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