15 October 2012

*i was going to post this as a comment reply, but it became too long

*if you're looking for those Amanda Todd nudes, go to tumblr. There are a lot of them. Amanda was no angel. Amanda brought it upon herself. Amanda is whiny. (Was whiny??)

This is a comment reply to the comment left by an anon on my post about Amanda Todd.

Dear anon,


That aside, I fail to see how I have been narrow-minded. I fail to see where I have created scenarios and then presented them as facts.

I feel the need to explain my words, which you seem not to understand.

Viewing this incident from another point of view does not mean that I am narrow-minded. The possibilities that I have examined are mere possibilities, and nowhere is my post do I say that that is exactly what has happened.

"Clear signs of complete lack of understanding to the mentally unstable". Sir, in what way is it "clear" that I have a "complete lack of understanding" of the mentally unstable? Are you qualified to identify and categorize who understands the mentally unstable, and who does not? Sir, please read the following sentence slowly: no one is able to understand those who are mentally ill.

I severely doubt that you yourself understand what the mentality of Amanda Todd was, so please restrain yourself.

I question the authenticity of the story because Amanda Todd herself presented it. As the "victim", she is definitely biased towards her own viewpoint. The video was made for sympathy; it was calculated for maximum emotional impact. Although I question her story by using words like "apparently", I do not say that it is false.

Also, anon, "apparently" is a perfectly acceptable word when one is unable to ascertain the facts.

Suicide is not wrong, in my opinion, but it is extremely selfish. Selfishness is a human instinct. We tend to put ourselves first. There is no need for you to say that you "know" that it is "wrong".

Let me now address your point about the two options that we are left with. We can either "mourn her death and try and use it to eradicate bullying or we can not mourn it and bitch about how selfish she was for killing herself". I must say that those two options are narrow-minded.

Mourning her death has a certain limit. It is tasteless for people who have never known Amanda and will never know Amanda to make posts about what a "wonderful girl" she was. They know nothing about her personality, just as I know nothing about her personality. I merely object to people who pour out useless sympathy to dead people.

All we know are her actions, and her actions don't seem to be very positive. The media glosses over her drug and alcohol abuse, and chooses to capitalize on the tragedy of her young age, and how she was bullied.

This is, anon, is most certainly not using her death to eradicate bullying. I see nothing on twitter about "Amanda Todd RIP. Today I will stop bullying kids and be nice to outcasts", and nothing on facebook about "Amanda Todd's death serves as a chilling warning to us about the effects of bullying. Pledge to stop bullying today! Like this page 'Against Bullying'!".

Instead, social media is flooding with posts about how she was pretty, how she didn't deserve to die, how her bullies should rot in hell (and creating a whole new vicious cycle of verbal abuse).

You are mistaken about this.

We could also "not mourn it and bitch about how selfish she was for killing herself". I have done nothing of the sort. I did not "bitch" about her death, mainly because there was nothing for me to bitch about. Anon, my post was about how I found this incident to be overblown and thoroughly irritating. She's dead, and your sympathy is useless.

I did not say that she was selfish for killing herself. What I emphasized, several times, was the fact that she made very stupid decisions. Her selfish actions have no direct impact on me, hence I mentioned it sparingly. However, I did state in the beginning that this post was a result of the flood of sympathy on social platforms. That affected me, and that is what I was "bitching" about.

I understand how you might be mistaken about the point of my post. The section about Amanda Todd's video is a whole lot longer than the section about useless sympathy for a dead girl.

Dear anon, your inflammatory comment has no substance, and to be honest I am at a loss as to what you wished to convey. Your points were insufficiently explained, and even though I spent quite a few minutes puzzling over what exactly you wanted me to do, and what exactly were your feelings towards this post. I am equally confused about your "childish" comment, and your "that's just my two cents and your welcome to yours".

You're welcome to reply to this.

P.S. There is no need to say that I have touched on "good points" if you don't really think so. Which, as I assume from your first comment, you do not.