30 April 2011

Unfortunately True

I have tests. And school. Both of which hinders my creative talent and thus prevents me from writing proper fanfiction or blogging or having a life.

Yes bitch, school is a pile of crap that all people have to endure...
(Almost all, but let's forget about starving children in Africa and dropouts for a moment for the sake of simplicity)

Along with that, I'm still living with Rebecca Black's existence.
I didn't like her at first.
Then I hated her.
And now I just want her to STFU.

I want her to listen to real music, understand that her vocals need (a fuckload) some work, and that songs like 'Friday' should never, ever, ever ever ever be produced/written/sang/promoted/see the light of day.

I need to get over my frustration that some people apparently don't have functioning brains. Not their fault. Aw. They need our pity.

Anyway, homework, anime, fanfiction. The usual things keeping me from having a life. And I only dislike the first one. Sound good? No.

Because I'm still pissed at Rebecca Black.

She gets sympathy because her haters are extreme.
Yea Rebecca, guess why they hate you so much.
It goes along the line of you causing bleeding of ears.
How do you deal with haters?

I'll tell you. First you gotta understand them.
Why do they hate you? You have horrible taste in songs - evidence: existence of the song 'Friday'. You have a horrible voice - evidence: existence of you.
What do they hate? You. Your song. Your taste in music.

Solution for ending the hatred:
Remove your song.
Stop singing.
Stop playing the tragic cyberbullied kid who is so pathetic that she only gets more haters.
Just shut up.


Not gonna let her spoil my life. Breath. Breath.

Yea so I'm gonna go try to get a life now :) I have a brain and I can use it and oh god Rebecca Black I can't fucking stand you.

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