14 October 2011

Sorry for the interruption. We have been receiving a large volume of requests from your network. To continue with your YouTube experience, please enter the verification code below.

*Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for. This post has been receiving a lot of hits, for some unknown reason. This is not an 'avoid captcha'. This is a rant.

Sorry for the interruption. We have been receiving a large volume of requests from your network. To continue with your YouTube experience, please enter the verification code below.

-Sincerely, Youtube

FUCK YOU. Fuck you, okay? This is discrimination. Discrimination against the generation of a faster rhythm than you're used to, you old coots. I demand an explanation. I demand a tear-filled apology about how extremely wrong you were to show me this kind of shit and then - 


We've talked about this before, Youtube. You need to catch up. Our shorter attention spans are obviously detrimental to your financial situation in some way, which must be why you're making us type the fucking captchas, but guess what, darling Youtube.

We no give fucks. 

We want videos. No captchas. 

No "too many comments" captchas, no "large volume of requests" captchas. Because fuck you, you're making us spend more time typing captchas than doing any real shit on Youtube. Not that we do any real shit, but that's kind of beside the point.

Remember. We've talked this issue of yours before. Don't disappoint us all.


  1. Replies
    1. "*Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for. This post has been receiving a lot of hits, for some unknown reason. This is not an 'avoid captcha'. This is a rant."

      Lol... yeah, you got me. But it was fun to read anyway.
      *Floats off to continue looking for solution...*

  2. only one of the words is an actual captcha. I get at least some gratification by replacing the other word by random letters or a message for youtube like "fuckyouutube Multibe" btw I don't get that message on my android tablet that's connected to the same wi-fi. so I guess it's just an anti-pc measure.
