8 November 2012

that's avoidance not passive-aggressiveness

A lot of things piss me off, but only a few things can ruin my day. Here's one: avoidance.

What do I mean?

Avoidance as in having an issue with something and then pretending that there's nothing. For example, being annoyed by a post, and then venting your frustration on another site. That's the kind I'm talking about.

Why is it annoying? Because it makes no sense. Granted, there are a lot of things that don't make any sense whatsoever, but this is one of the really pointless ones.

If you have something to say, say it. If you're pissed off by something, you don't necessarily have to say "fuck I'm pissed at you", but the least you can do is to let the other party know. The most pointless thing you can do is to keep it to yourself/post your frustration where the other party probably won't see it.

Why? Because nothing's going to be done. If you know the other party IRL, you're kind of obligated to keep friending/following that person, and you're also obligated not to offend him/her. God knows, no one likes strained relationships.

In this case, you either kept your irritation to yourself, or say it out. And you'd better not keep it to yourself and CONTINUE being angry, because that's like poking yourself with a needle. When I refrain from commenting on IRL friends's posts, I put it out of my mind. I'm not going to do anything about THAT, better not keep myself angry. See? Alternatively: I'm not going to do anything about THAT, and I'm going to continue being angry. ANGERRR!!

If it's not an IRL person, or if you're not bothered with petty social media courtesy, then unfriend/unfollow. It's not even that hard.

Bottom line: do something about it, or stop being irritated by it. By all means, continue being pointless and angry, but it ruins my day when I see this sort of stupidity. I mean, do they want to be irritated and angry all day or what? It's not even a nice feeling.

*By "ruining my day", I mean it makes me want to write passive-aggressive posts. This has been a passive-aggressive post. I would gladly show it to that person, if he/she showed any signs of wanting to talk about the issue at all. I don't like starting arguments, because then you're the one who's obligated to continue the line of reasoning, when you're not even the one with the issue.

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