17 November 2012

pro-choice is bullshit? okay here's a post for you

*Angry post alert. Post will be reordered and made more coherent later.

I saw a picture on Facebook, and it went along the lines of "like this, save babies, abortion is wrong". You know what's wrong? That post.

First let's talk about not shoving stuff down others's throats. It was a post by a page called "teen swag" (side note: ha ha HA) and I presume that teen swag means something like cool clothes and cute couples and maybe skateboards. I don't know, I don't have swag.

But let's make it clear: most people who liked the page didn't sign up for pictures of fetuses and questions about morality. They signed up for some "swag" - cool things. I think. Work safe things. I'm thinking cute couples kissing and people wearing beanies and colourful chalked hair.

Here's to the page: why don't you get back to posting your swag. Atheist pages post atheist things, godly pages post things about god. Hat pages post about hats!! It's not that hard, you know. If I wanted some pictures of refrigerators I wouldn't go liking shoe pages. If you MUST post about abortion, then post it on your personal account.

Yeah. You know? That's called not being an asshole. If I like a page called "pretty hair", I sure as fuck didn't sign up for porn.

So, dear "teen swag" page, shut the fuck up and get back to posting swag, whatever that is.

So now I'll get around to talking about why pro-choice is called pro-CHOICE.

Simply put, pro-choice is giving people the freedom to CHOOSE. I'm going to give you a pear and an apple. That's pro-choice. If I hand you an apple and tell you that pears are against the law now, that's anti-choice.

Anti-choice, in the case of abortion, is often called "pro-life". Now I'm assuming that "pro-life" means "against abortion except in cases where the mother's life is threatened". That's good. That's called being moderate, and that makes sense.

So how did it become anti-choice? When you chose to enforce it on others. Keep in mind, that's YOUR view. If you accidentally get pregnant, then you'll have the baby, because your life isn't in danger, and you don't like abortions. That's your view, right?

YOUR view.

This starts being anti-choice when you start making others do that as well.

You don't understand? Let's look at it from another point of view.

I think that all accidental pregnancies should be terminated by abortion, as early as possible (I don't actually think that way, but for the sake of debate). That's fine, that's my view. If I accidentally get pregnant, I'm going to abort it. But it starts being stupid when I try to make it a law, doesn't it? You're pregnant? By accident? Here's an abortion to go.

You'd say I was taking away your freedom of choice.


When pro-lifers choose to enforce their views by making it a LAW, they are taking away our freedom to choose. Want an abortion? NO.

That's ludicrous, that is. Hey, keep your baby if you want, but I'm not keeping mine. That's none of your business, so stop trying to make it yours.

Pro-choice: keep abortion legal, so that those who want it can get it.

That's it. There is no more. Nothing to deduce. Nothing's hidden. There are no nasty implications or whatever.

Pro-life: make abortion illegal, except when the mother's life is in danger.

That is NOT it. What nasty things are hidden behind this facade of "pro-life"? The fact that if you want an abortion, you can't get it, because their morals stand between you and your vagina.

Pro-choice: want an abortion? Okay, you go get one, but I'M not getting one because I don't believe in abortion.

Pro-life: want an abortion? No, you can't get one, because I don't believe in abortions.

It's that simple.

The part above was for moderates. Here's the reasoning for religious people, or people who think zygotes have souls, or for people ... I don't even know. Anyone who thinks abortion is murder, step right up. This part is for you.

You guys eat apples, right? Apples have seeds, right? An apple seed is to an apple tree what a fetus is to a person. A potential apple tree, a potential person. Both are ready to grow if you give it the chance.

Then agin, you don't campaign to "save apple seeds!", do you?

Souls? A fetus has a soul? Give me a rest! You can shut up about your "souls" bullshit until you hand me proof. And I mean scientific proof, validated by thorough research and experiments. Not the dubious kind of "I died and saw God" proof. That's called delusion, in case you didn't know, or perhaps some kind of scientific phenomena mistaken for god.

Also let me show this all to you in story form, which I heard is much easier for the human brain to digest than abstract things:

A woman gets pregnant by accident, because contraception works 99%, leaving 1% to chance. If she gives birth, she'll have a hard time taking care of the baby. Her life will be thoroughly disrupted. SHE DOES NOT WANT A BABY, DAMMIT. Too bad the doctors think abortion is immoral, oops! Too bad her country thinks abortion is ILLEGAL.

So now she has a baby that she never wanted.

(Side note: I'm getting a little angry here.)

And hey, for those who think no one should ever get an abortion, even in cases of rape, here's something for you: you want to be reminded of your rapist for the next forever? Because that's how long you'll have to deal with that baby!

Punishing the unborn baby for its fathers sins? Bullshit! That "baby" knows nothing right now. That baby has no idea it even exists - if you can euthanise a dog, you can abort a baby. That dog has years of bonds to sever! That baby has none.

The victim does NOT want to deal with this shit! The victim has been raped and now wants this the fuck over with. The victim does not want any bloody lingering trauma! Her body has been violated! She does not want to violate it any further! Shut up about not letting her get an abortion!

Oh, but then sometimes the baby is kept.

We're going back to the normal working woman, who wasn't raped:

Too bad for the baby! The baby gets an unwilling mom, or the baby gets sent off to an orphanage. Living costs are rising! This woman certainly canNOT afford to raise a bloody baby. She scrimps and saves and ends up absolutely miserable! The baby is ruining her life! For the first three years, AT LEAST, she's randomly woken up in the middle of the night, has to deal with baby barf, has to deal with a troublesome child 24/7, has to change nappies, has to feed a baby who sometimes wreck things for no reason.

If you're a pro-lifer who's never had to deal with a baby, shut up right now. Shut up. Your opinion is gone. You are not allowed to tell people keep their baby and then torture themselves. Anyone who's ever helped with a baby before knows this - sometimes you just want to shake the little devil until it shut up, dammit. I'm not even saying that you have to be a mom! Maybe an older sibling old enough to have to deal with the younger sibling! Maybe an uncle!

Maybe a woman who's gone through this two times doesn't want a third baby.

Guess what? Then she should be allowed to NOT have that third baby. She should be allowed to abort a baby that she KNOWS she can't take care off. You think the orphanages aren't crowded enough? You think we need more babies without parents to look out for them? (Don't get me started about not letting homosexuals adopt children!)

I've had enough of this shit!

Making abortion legal means that desperate women won't have to seek out quack doctors! It means having abortions in the relatively safe and controlled environment of a clinic! It means keeping your life in order.

It means that if YOU don't want an abortion, YOU don't have to. It means that if YOUR FRIEND wants an abortion, SHE CAN HAVE ONE.

Oh, but there are more issues to address! Why stop here? We also have women who say "fuck contraceptions" and then get pregnant!

I do admit that it's phenomenally stupid. What about STDs? Because the condom is a contraceptive. But forget STDs, if you don't use contraception, then it's just basically your own fault for getting pregnant! Because for the other "yay contraception" cases, it's only 1%, and some of that 1% just says "oops! But okay, baby. Yay!".

So if you don't use contraception, and you get pregnant, then it's stupid. But fear not! YOU CAN STILL GET THAT ABORTION. Stupid choices, yeah, but you're allowed that abortion! Nowhere does it say that people who make illogical choices can't get abortions.

Basically, choices! People would look down on you if you went for multiple abortions BECAUSE you're still not using contraception, but they HAVE NO GROUNDS to dismiss you. They have to get you an abortion. And that's not taking advantage of the law, by the way. If you want to talk about that, lawyers do that every day.

Actually, I think I'm done here, there's not much else to say.

(There IS a optimal abortion period, I think, so if you go past that you just have to keep the baby.)

(My philosophy has affected this post. I don't want to give birth, I'm going to adopt. Definitely. And I think more people should adopt. Because adoption > giving birth - and shut up about wanting "your own baby". What era is this?! - No nine-month torture, no pain, and you help a kid who doesn't have parents. That's pretty good, if you ask me.)

(Also I admit to finding the huge stomach thing offputting. It's something like, if I poke it, it might burst. It makes me uncomfortable.)


  1. No. Is it anti choice that treason is Illegal? I LOVE treason. so people are wrong to say i cant commit it then. I think its like this. Abortion is murder. I don't hate abortionists and condemn people to hell for doing it, that's not my place to say. but if you got pregnant from your boyfriend and I say its wrong to commit abortion, then that's because I believe you MADE your choice. you got pregnant. You didn't HAVE to have sex. you knew the risks, you should own up to the responsibility. In the case of rape, I understand it wasn't your choice. But just as its not your choice to get pregnant there, I also believe its not your choice to kill that baby. Say I knock someone unconscious. I can now kill them, right? hows that wrong? they INCONVENIENCE me. There not capable of standing up for themselves, so its OK to kill them. Right? I don't think so. But that's MY opinion. A very strong one, but condemning people to hell Isn't the way to get them to agree with you. I they have to choose for themselves. In the case of threatening the mothers life, then I say that the mother should be saved. Its not logical to let them both die. Its not my place to judge people. But that doesn't mean I cant heatedly show why I believe im right. I don't believe them less human for believing differently. I'm human. Being CONVINCED and standing up for what i believe doesn't make me right. But without our views, everyone is the same.

    1. Wow, um, thanks for your input, but my main point was that even if you think abortion is murder, there aren't any grounds (as of now) to make it illegal for others to get one. That's the point of pro-choice. If you think abortion is wrong on the grounds that a baby feels pain, then meat is also wrong on the grounds that animals feel pain, and then we'll go somewhere very far from the original question.

      Also sex is not only for procreation, it's also Enjoyment of Life, and there's no reason to stop yourself from enjoying life when there's pretty reliable contraception easily available. It's just that nothing's 100%, so sometimes people get pregnant. And even in that small percentage, some people choose to keep the baby, so overall not a lot of people 1. Use contraception 2. Get pregnant 3. Abort the baby, therefore this really isn't an issue.

      Anyway bottom line: keep abortion legal, stop women from going to quacks and endangering their lives for a zygote. (Honestly it isn't a baby at two months, which is when most women usually realise that something's wrong.)
