29 June 2013


2015 june edit: god i used to be so stupid. yes, i am a feminist. i read up on the origin of the name "feminism" so i am over that now.

Edit: I just want to sum this up-

The idea of feminism is good, but I have a few issues with it: first, that it's called feminism. It gives the impression that it caters more towards discrimination against females. Which is not true. But, you know, impressions.

Also feminists are protective of feminists and feminism. Which is good. But also bad, because feminism is self-proclaimed, which means that any idiot can call themselves a feminist, and say things under the banner of feminism, even things that clearly contradict logic and gender equality. When they're attacked by others for being stupid, other feminists come to their rescue. Which is stupid. When someone is saying illogical and stupid things, don't defend them. Because there's nothing to defend.

Which is why I'm not a feminist. The whole thing frustrates me, both feminism and the view of feminism. I'm just going to ditch this pointless battle of perspectives and ideals and truth and just be a decent person.

There are idiots on tumblr who attack others for not having the same views. Typing out a coherent counter argument and using sarcasm as a side dish is called sass. Using sarcasm and no content just to piss people off is called idiocy. If you don't even reply to my points, how am I supposed to rebut it? 

I do admit that I'm the one who sought them out by reblogging something and adding counter arguments, but the least they could do is to counter my counters or something. Going into semantics is avoiding the topic in most cases.

I cannot believe that such idiots exist. They claim that if patriarchy exists, then women wouldn't be free to marry who they like - ahem. It just proves that patriarchy DOES exist in the world, the only difference is the how severe it is. (People who call themselves antifeminists, sigh.)

I really, really, really hate people who don't read international news. Just because you're in America and America, frankly speaking, makes up a large part of the world, doesn't mean that you can ignore what's happening in other places. Also people who don't do research and claim stupid things to be true. I hate them too.

An antifeminist blog claimed that if patriarchy exists, then women wouldn't be able to get abortions - ahem. Is it really that difficult to google something? Tons of women in America can't get abortions. There was SB5 just a few days ago. And a man just said that he'd thank Rick Perry for trying to make abortion harder.

Deep sigh of sadness for humanity.

Antifeminist blogs say that feminists attack others for not having the same views (again, the idiotic act of assuming that every single feminist is a terrible person and acts the same way) (and because feminists' definition of feminism is "gender equality", not supporting gender equality or feminism is like not supporting racial equality) but the antifeminist blogs that I've seen attack others for being a feminist.

I wouldn't mind content-based attacks, but I totally mind insult-slinging, which basically means that you can't think of much.

Let's get down to the real reason for this post. And the reason is that I'd like to put it out here that I'm not a feminist.

Feminism is a category, see, and people (especially idiots) tend to think that everyone under a certain category behaves a certain way. With the controversy around feminism (from equality of genders to man-hating) it seems to me that calling myself a feminist would make people have preconceived notions about me.

Anyway, I do dislike how "supporting gender equality" became "feminism", which sounds like it's just pro-female. I know a lot of feminists are wonderful and clear-headed people who campaign purely for gender equality - because female rights are lagging behind men's rights, so it appears that they only care about females, even though they're just trying to catch up to men.

But there are idiots doing stupid things under the umbrella of feminism. People who say that all men rape. People who claim that men's rights should be taken away. People who scream "male privilege" at everything. (Essentially they are as stupid as antifeminists who think that people who hate men are definitely feminists.)

And it's easy to get carried away a bit with feminism. 

(For example I wouldn't care if anyone wolf-whistled at me. And I wouldn't punch a guy for touching me. But I would totally punch him if I've told him seriously that I'm not interested but he still continues touching me. And I wouldn't say that a man holding a door open for a woman is contributing to the stereotype that women are weak and need to be protected. I'd hold open doors for men. Because I'm nice. And men will hold open doors for women. Because they're nice. It's rare to find people who genuinely believe that women are so weak to the point where they need to hold open doors for women.)

Feminism is a label. It's might be good, or it might be bad, but I'm not keen to attach labels to myself unnecessarily.

So right now, I wouldn't call myself a feminist. But I am all for gender equality. And because right now, females < males, I would campaign with feminists. I would campaign for men's rights too, but then again, no one's actually trying to take away any men's rights.

This is a pretty good article - http://bespectacledape.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/what-anti-feminists-wont-and-maybe-cant-understand/

P.S. Also would you mind letting it be known to Rick Perry that tons of people really really dislike him trying so hard to take away women's rights to their own bodies? Call him up and send him letters and stuff. 

Edit: to clear this up, if anyone asks me "are you a feminist?" I would reply "I wouldn't call myself one, but I basically stand for (almost) everything that feminism stands for". 

Essentially I oppose is the stupid image that others have of feminism. And being a feminist and trying to refute that image by being nice isn't easy nor very effective. Instead I am going to say that I support equality and that's also what feminism supports, yay for equality. And others won't think of me as an angry female ogre and ignore what I say before I even say it and agree that they too support gender equality and gradually I'll have made them supports a good thing. Which is equality

(And I do realise that I am probably not the best person to talk about idealism because I basically don't care much as long as I'm fine personally but.)

I'm not denying that males and females have biological differences, I'm just saying that if a female lifts ten kg of concrete across ten metres in ten seconds, and a man lifts ten kg of concrete across ten metres in ten seconds, then they should be given the same amount of money and the same amount of job opportunities. Also I'm saying that it's okay for there to be more male construction workers than female, because the majority of females don't possess a physique that fits the job. (Biological differences, yoooo.)

I'm also saying that no one should look down on women for trying to correct those biological differences by maybe killing her ovaries and getting rid of periods. 

I'm saying that for government jobs there should be about an equal number of males and females because ultimately females will fight for female citizens because they as a female will be affected by those laws while males might not fight as much because they're aren't affected by laws targeted at females. You get what I'm saying? If male citizens get two representatives then female citizen should also get two representatives, yes? 

Also yes don't call me an idealist because I am a realist, I understand that the senate and stuff doesn't work by the "one female for one male" rule. I'm just talking about the outcome that would be good, and what feasible ways can we improve our situation until it comes close to the good outcome.

Basically I'm just like if they do the same things, give them the same rights, yes? Just equality. 

Edit 2: I am so angry that antifeminists who say that feminism isn't equality because it's FEMinism are saying that antiFEMinism wants gender equality. Are you guys stupid? If feminism isn't an accurate label for gender equality then what makes you think that antifeminism is a good label? If anything antifeminism is a worse label than feminism, because it's anti-something, basically negative, against something. 

Dear gods above.

26 June 2013

sexuality should be like a hair colour

I think it doesn't matter if sexuality can be changed. It's just like changing a hair colour - a personal choice, doesn't affect others, and you can make friends with people who like the same colour. You're born with your hair colour or you change your hair colour, so what?

However, the notion that gayness can be prayed away is hindering progress and equality. If homosexuality can be changed, then why would they bother giving equal rights to homosexuals?

Well, to those religious folk who are praying day and night for homosexuals to become straight, here's something for you: try praying away cancer before homosexuality. Hey, cancer's life-threatening. Are you saying that you'd rather force others to conform to your personal beliefs than save the life of innocents?

Yeah, that was a rhetorical question. There is only one answer, and the answer is that unless cancer has completely disappeared, praying for homosexuals to "change their ways" just makes you seem extremely stupid.

Basically, if society could pull its head out of its arse, then whether homosexuality could be changed would merely be a scientific curiosity. There wouldn't be ridiculous "sexual conversion" bullshit, and young people wouldn't be killing themselves because society is too backwards to accept people who are different from the majority. 

Sexuality is personal, unless someone rapes you, then it's not a question about sexuality, but a question about morality and decency. (To heterosexual people who say "but what if a gay man rapes me??")

Homosexuals ask "oh, what if a straight man rapes me?", and for those who don't understand, gay men can rape straight men, but straight men can rape lesbians. Yet you don't see homosexuals calling for heterosexuals to be killed or sent away. 

If someone rapes you then he should be locked up. That's it. It's very easy.

Sexuality is personal, unless someone is shoving PDA in your face, then you should tell them to get a room, or just walk away. (To people who say "it makes me uncomfortable to see gay people going at it")

I mean, no one's forcing you to look. And you've probably done the exact same thing with your significant other of the opposite gender before. If you don't want to look at their PDA, they don't want to look at your PDA either. But you don't see homosexuals trying to get heterosexual marriage banned. And you don't see homosexuals forcing heterosexuals to go for sexuality conversion therapy. 

Plus there are laws against public indecency anyway.

Sexuality is personal, unless your religion says it's a sin, then you should shut up about sexuality because it's YOUR religion. (To people who say "the bible says it's an abomination and a sin!!")

Frankly I would like to tell Christians "the Flying Spaghetti Monster says Christianity is a sin! We must outlaw Christianity" and see how they feel about being persecuted because of someone else's belief. (Also to see if they can spot the parallel, but unfortunately, not a single Christian that I have spoken to has spotted the parallel.)

In the end, this sexuality debate isn't about whether homosexuality is "curable", nor is it about religious decrees, nor is it about personal safety. It's about human decency, and right now, humans are embarrassing themselves. If only we could be accepting, then this debate wouldn't exist. 

Also there would be a lot more peace and a lot less fighting. There would probably still be a few wars, though.

The point is that homosexuality shouldn't even be something that gains attention. Homosexuality should become as accepted as heterosexuality. Homosexuality should become as mundane as a hair colour change. No more stigmatising or fetishising homosexuality.

Homosexuality should become normal. I mean, no one ever bothers to investigate whether heterosexuals are born heterosexuals or not. That's what I want for homosexuality. 

Be a decent human, okay. Some people on this planet make me want to regress back into an embryo, just so I won't have to deal with their bullshit. ("The sun is a star." "No, it's a SUN, stupid." Ugh. /attempts to rip out my own scalp)

Anyway, people are homosexual, so what? It's none of your business. Just as homosexuals don't ostracise heterosexuals, heterosexuals shouldn't ostracise homosexuals. 

I mean, if heterosexuals make laws against homosexuals (who have never tried to make laws against heterosexuality, as far as I know) then they're effectively admitting that homosexuals are more decent people than themselves. 

 Just be a decent person, okay. It's not even that hard. I'm so tired of seeing idiots railing against gay people. Or transgenders. Seriously. Be a decent person. 

If you aren't a decent person then odds are that at least one person is feeling some intense secondhand embarrassment for you. And I don't know how you feel, but having others feel embarrassed for you and being obliviously to your own idiocy is one of the most painful things on earth.

Edit: speaking about being decent people, we can see that the Texas legislation isn't too keen on being decent. I'm talking about how Wendy Davis had to stand up for women's rights to their own body (literally for eleven hours) to prevent those rights from being taken away. 

And then supporters of the bill tried to pass the bill even after midnight. A commenter said something about even with people from all over the world watching the live stream, the legislation is trying to cheat the bill into being passed. 

(The abortion bill was not passed. Thanks to humanity for protesting so vigourously that they couldn't lie.)

Also I heard that Rick Perry said that he'd sign the bill. I was rather surprised. Rick Perry, that unbearable idiot? He's still in some position of power? What were the voters high on when they were voting? No one in their right mind would vote for that man.

Edit 2: oops Rick Perry called for another session or something to try and pass the bill when it was supposed to be only touched upon again in two years' time. Rick Perry is such a nice man isn't he. I'd like to spray insecticide on his pillow.

19 June 2013

hello, haze (again)

So basically country A clears their land via burning of useless crops, large-scale, and their smoke blows over to country B, who has to tolerate country A's stupid as fuck inability to deal with their country for the sake of delicate diplomatic relations.

I live on the nineteenth floor, and I used to be able to look out from my window and see everything all the way to the harbour and beyond. Nowadays, I can't even see the little patch of trees downstairs. Driving is pretty much a hazardous activity. A friend drove around at night and said that it was the most terrifying experience she's ever had, because she couldn't see anything. Outdoor activities have basically all been cancelled.

Well, thank you, country A. 

I wonder if the collective residents of country B can sue country A's government for harming their health? That would be about five million pissed off people mobilised. (lol)

I'm just trying not to breathe much. I hide away in air-conditioned places for as long as I can, so... 

Take a look:

See the patch of land across the water? When there's no haze, I can see exactly what clothes the people over there are wearing.

Can you feel the sheer amount of air pollution from this one picture?

Update: PSI is over three hundred the next day, setting a new record high. Thank you, country A. The air I'm breathing now is officially hazardous, through no action or inaction of my own. 

Second update: it crossed over four hundred, and is officially "life-threatening". Thank you, country A.

(Will post picture of view from window when the haze is over for comparison. You will see what I'm talking about.)

10 June 2013


Today I'm going to be bitching about various kinds of scenario-specific torture and the kind of feelings they inspire in me...

And first among them is having to submit creative writing to school. 

Basically a few days ago I received an email from the student editorial club, and basically they said "please submit your work by [deadline]! :)". I rocked back and forth in terror and confusion. What was this student editorial club? Why was I receiving this suspicious email?

I checked the list of receivers, and to my surprise it seems pretty legit. I mean, some schoolmates had received it too, so I thought. Maybe. This might be an actual legit thing...? 

And then I rocked back and forth in terror and confusion for another day or two before working up enough courage to send an email back, asking what the fuck was going on. Except more politely. 

And then I rocked back and forth in more terror and confusion. This email meant that I had to submit a creative writing piece...? Oh dear gods above, spare me. I don't have anything about current affairs or even anything suitable for school-related things. Fanfiction...? Dirty smut...? Anything that could be quickly converted to school-friendly works?????

I checked every document I had, but uh. How do I phrase this? It was impossible. None of my writing was suitable for school at all. None of them were inspirational or optimistic or even morally upright. It all seemed to have some death or gore or same-sex sex. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the only thing I had about "current affairs" was a piece in which most of humanity died and the earth was ruined.

Again, I kind of rocked back and forth in terror and confusion, completely stressed out. I didn't want to write anything to pander to school magazines???????? I just wanted to read lots of manga and maybe meet my friends?? I didn't want anyone to read my writing!!

It was just embarrassing. I was so caught up in imagining teachers judging me that I barely even did anything about the email until the deadline date. Which is. Basically. Today.

Oh, gods above, I'm still getting the chills. Just, I just want the school to stay away from my sometimes m-rated writing?? My writing was purely for self-satisfaction! I've never aimed for social awareness or even any kind of reaction? It was all just self-indulgence so how could I show that kind of ultimate self-indulgence to teachers????????

All along I've been very careful to censor myself when I'm around adults, like writing stuff with good endings and so on. I don't even swear around them. Like, the word "fuck" doesn't even come out my mouth. It's automatic self-censorship.

I can't just let the school know that I write gay fics!?!?!! I'm so stressed out, I've never even thought about fics and school together, it makes me nauseous.

Oh, I'm getting mildly dizzy, I hate this. 

Because I think I'm actually incapable of writing sufficiently high quality yet upbeat things!! I just want to kill off the characters and make everyone suffer!! (am I a good enough 's' yet)

When I write about characters being tormented it sometimes makes me giggle so there's no way in hell that I can write anything suitable for school publications!!

...deep sigh...

I am so upset right now! I don't even remember joining this student editorial club! What the hell is going on anyway?!

But.... I guess this is it for the post? I want to sob into my pillow and read more manga and basically be paralysed by the thought of the damned student editorial club and the submission of stuffs ugh (cue long drawn-out groan).

I'm suffering here!!!!!!!!!

7 June 2013

copious amounts of joy

Hello I broke my tooth again and it is the same tooth that I broke last time congrats Helen what an achievement.

I need to go get it fixed again hooray for forcing my jaw open for half an hour.

...why do i do this to myself

And I don't know if my tooth is actually hurting or if I'm just paranoid and delusional.



My tooth is fixed by the nice dentist again. And if I break it again I'll have to pay six hundred bucks for a tooth cap. Or something. I will never break my fucking tooth again, ever.