24 January 2012

DL LINK Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Tsukema Tsukeru

TBH I didn't like her version at first. (Mostly cause it was too soft, blame all the noise that never ceases... what the fuck am I talking about anyway.)

I heard Iroha's version first, and fuck, the cuteness is just. Ugh. Too much.

/EDIT:/ Amonderevex closed her account, so I'm linking directly to NND. You need an account to view it.

This is Rin's version.

The links, as usual, are up on mediafire, because Megaupload got shut down and everything and fuck my life I still have stuff that I wanted but never downloaded so what do I do now I need my yaoi please please.

Iroha's adorable version.

Rin's version.

Kyary's version.

21 January 2012

Re: Megaupload (and the Regression of the U.S.)

Basically, the video's about:

1. Megapload's servers were seized and now They know who's downloaded or uploaded anything and They're coming to get you.

2. It's $150, 000 per infringed work. So bye college, house, and everything else.

3. The number of prisons and the number of people imprisoned have increased by a ridiculous amount.

4. Also if you get extradited to America you're going to be in jail 5EVA and do manual labour for 25 cents per hour.

5. Yes, They can extradite you. To Them. And make you work. For Them.

6. Thus America is shit. Thus America's tourism is shit.

7. No one should ever come to America because it is a shitty place for tourism because you're just going to get fucking arrested.

8. No business should ever operate in America because you're just going to get fucking arrested.

9. Big businesses in The Industry are behind sites like BitTorrent and stuffs. That's why Megaupload gets killed but they don't.

10. Children are getting executed while organizations try to stop people from sharing stuff online.

11. It is a shitty place and you'd better avoid it like, like, oh, I don't know, JUST AVOID THAT MOTHERFUCKING SHIT.

Because U.S. is really awesome now.

And, 12. They're making college kids and single moms pay money. Cause they're greedy assholes.

13. We are all screwed. Mass suicide please.

I love the video. It is the best. Ever. The best video on the subject I've ever seen.

Except the part about Obama. I think Obama's pretty cool.

Remeber Dirpy.com?

Remember it? The youtube downloader. The really awesome one.

If you don't, this was the desperate post I made after it mysteriously went down and closed one day.

Anyway, I randomly googled 'youtube download' today and it popped up. I clicked on it excitedly, because, fuck, it's dirpy.

Apparently it's back up. I don't know when. I don't care. It's back up, my life is now minus one gaping hole of insecurity and whatever.

Dirpy.com is like, geez, I don't even know. When it closed I kind of went into shock and was miserable for the better part of a month. Or something. I can't remember, not specifically, but it was a sad, sad thing.

But it's up, so yeah, I'm happy, blah, blah, everything, whatever.

20 January 2012

Because they're all retards

So Megaupload's gone. And Anonymous has gone on a revenge rampage (apparently, DoJ, RIAA, MPAA, and Universal Music, among some others).

I'm thinking that if all the fileshare sites get taken down, whatever I'm paying for my broadband is pretty much useless. I mean, I use it for only about two hours every day. School. CCA. Projects. Third language. Everything.

I don't even know what I'm feeling right now, I'm just pissed at ... UGH. I feel so messy inside.

See, this is a prime example of how retarded SOPA is. Megaupload's a Hong Kong based thing. Because they have a couple of servers in Ashburn, the authorities can do stuff and shut down the entire shit. Alleged pirated stuff in a leased server in Ashburn from a Hong Kong based site, so the authorities can fuck shit up.

Really? Really now? So if SOPA goes into effect, stuff scarier than this could happen, more often? Because they're assholes and they made laws that will fuck up everything globally?

It's over the top, this Megaupload thing, because they closed the entire site. If they (U.s. government and co) seized the servers in the U.S. then I can't complain. Pretty much no one can complain. They can do that, it's in their own country.

But the entire, ugh, motherfucking, ugh.

I'm kind of happy about the huge Anonymous rampage. Personally, because it makes me happy. It's like an embodiment of everyone's hatred for SOPA and PIPA and stuffs. Since most internet users are... um. Can't hack.

But I'm worried about putting too much trust in Anonymous. I mean, 'hacking' is hard. There is a reason why most people stare and go 'huh?' at code. If, one day, Anonymous, ugh.

I can't think properly.

This kind of shit screws up all kinds of stuff. Healthcare and education take a backseat to money now? How does that even make sense?

Sometimes (eg times like this) I kind of wish I'm in the U.S. just so that I can call up everyone in the Senate.

But, ugh.

I rarely feel this emotional. But fuck, this is the internet. The internet is what I'm using to post this right now. The internet is how I pass my classes.

Fuck those assholes, ugh.

18 January 2012

SOPA is Absurd


Because everyone needs to understand.

So apparently we all might be classified as felons.

For breathing using the internet.

The stupid bill affects everyone - it affects the entire internet. Obviously it affects everyone. I'm in Asia. I was born in Asia and I still stay in Asia. And the bill fucking pisses me off because it affects me - to a horrifying degree.

Because honestly, who doesn't use youtube? Or facebook. Or twitter.

I hope the bill (if it's ever passed, god forbid) comes back and bite their asses. I mean, I love watching people being tortured by their own insensible and idiotic actions. I love laughing at those people.

That aside, I hope that never happens. I seriously, really hope that SOPA disappears into the recesses of some retard's asshole and never sees the daylight again, ever.

I have yet to see a single person on the internet commending SOPA. (Because it's a truly despicable thing that needs to be crushed utterly before it spreads its madness even more than it already has.)

Because fuck SOPA and everyone behind it and everyone who thinks that it's a good idea.

16 January 2012

Sheesh I hate having to come up with witty titles for posts

I'm going to attempt to join some creative arts writing seminar something something - it's supposed to be rather prestigious, hence the three hard copies of my application form and five works...


... The heat is seriously killing off my brain cells. 31 degrees Celsius, 88 degrees Fahrenheit.

Perfect for dying spontaneously.

Anyway, that camp seminar thingy. I'd post my five works up here, but I don't want them randomly googling things (I'm being paranoid) and looking at my online life (which involves words not commonly said in front of authority figures) and disqualifying me because I offend them.

Because I think I offend quite a lot of people.

Anyway, I'm going to change the blog layout and style and everything, cause I'm bored, and then I'll retreat back into my room and turn on the a/c.

I'm not really very humourous or... Yeah, the heat makes me wilt, somewhat...

15 January 2012

An Excuse Post

Wow so this is my first post of 2012 and I realise that I really kind of suck because I can't seem to stop procrastinating and tumblr keeps sucking away all the time I have and also I need to sleep because I have school and if I don't sleep I'll die and I really don't want to die and I require toilet breaks and food and yes I need foood

Ignore all the cancelled parts. It isn't important. At all. Trust me.

So, yes, 2012. Somehow I was put in a good class (despite my crappy GPA of 3.2 when everyone else in the class has like 3.5 or 3.8 or even freaking 4.0) and... yeah., that's it. (My combination is Physics, English Literature, and third language, in addition to Maths and Additional Maths and English and Chinese and CID3 and everything fuck my life.)


Class is really boring. I have undone German homework. My classmates don't want to group with me because I am such a leech.

Everything's just fine.

Oh, yes, except for my random bouts of slight depression. During which I cry in my room with the lights off at night (I believe I've griped about that on twitter quite a lot).

And my random bouts of fuck you lol I DON'T CARE ANYMORE BITCHES.

Yes, everything's perfectly fine. There's no need to worry. 

But if you absolutely have to worry about something, then worry about my memory. This post was supposed to be an "excuse post" where I list my excuses for forgetting to post. But I did this instead. 

I don't even know what this is.

I think I should go get some sleep.