4 February 2011

What the Hell~~~~~

Regarding my specs, my mum went out and got me a new pair. Same lenses - there's a tiny broken corner in the left one - and the same frames, except that the current one is grey-ish while the previous one was red-ish.

I fell sick... during CNY. So I, uh, watched code geass on my phone while recovering. I actually watched the entire r1 in bed in one day, so you can imagine how much time I had on my hands... kekeke.

I just compared Britney's new single and Avril's. Apparently from the videos I looked at (view count) Avril is much more popular. But really, What the Hell sounds completely cute and fun.Woahhh~~~ what the hell. Her voice just got cuter, I think. Playing the song while typing, btw. I wish I could sing the woahh~ part but unfortunately my throat is allowing me to make a total of one type of sound - strangled croaks.

Well at least it's better than yesterday. Yesterday's variation was a dying whisper. I'm gradually progressing backwards - from dying to merely sounding strangled.

Not much improvement but at least I can talk.

Ah, totally raping the replay button on the video. I mean, the layering is kinda obvious but it just makes the song better, which I'm sure is the point of the layering anyway. And there is NO AUTOTUNE *fangasm* I'm not against autotune but I listen to stuff for the tune, so if it's autotuned I might as well go and listen to shit. Although autotune does help to put a certain funk in some songs.

But hey, Avril sounds so good without autotune. Damn, I hope they never put autotune on her for an entire song or something, because GDI I will kill if they do.

(PLUS is Avril sounding younger and younger? Because I think so. >.< But her voice is still cute.)

And then I find out that UVERworld is also apparently more popular than Abingdon. The satisfaction. I see that Takuya's age is kind of disregarded by the fans. CUZ HE'S LIKE 32 THIS YEAR. But who cares, he looks hot, his voice is smexy, we can all conveniently foregt which year he was born in. Besides, personally I just love love love his voice. I can pretty much ignore everything else.

(To be honest I've never liked Abingdon that much. Innocent Sorrow was good but not particularly memorable and I never thought that any one of the members were hot. >.< Sorry AK)

Sure sounds lonely when Avril's epic What the Hell ends and I'm stuck listening to silence.

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