17 July 2010

Now it Really Sucks

Apart from having spent my first few waking hours at a Chinese poetry recital, I also spent roughly four hours or so at a certain person's house, doing projects with ... people. The situation was kind of really extremely stupid and quite complicated. I also feel that the above sentence describes it really well.

So, we were all doing Geog projects. Eight people in total. We were at, let's call him "Q" 's house. There were a total of two projects we had to do. Basically, for the first project, me, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were in a group. For the second project thing, me, blah, blah, and blah were in a group.

What about this person called "Q", you ask. Let me assure you that he is completely not related to our projects. First things first - I'm not totally sure of the grouping myself, but I know that... uhh, forgot. Let's continue anyway.

There was this girl, "S", in one of those groups. So "Q" dates "S", and we were only at "Q" 's house because "Q" liked "S". With me so far? I doubt it.

ARGH. In the end we accomplished a grand total of "not much". IMPRESSIVE.

*Moans* I haz homework... I haz groupwork... I haz school... I haz parents... I haz CCA... I haz extra stupid stuff to do... *Starts crying* Now that I think about it, *sniff*, I should probably go do those extra stupid stuff right now, since it's SUPPOSED to be more important than this.

Let's play a round of "pick the keyword" first. The keyword?

PROBABLY. Which means that no way in hell am I going to go and do ANY HOMEWORK.



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