2 April 2010

How to Screw Insomnia

You know, I am a bad kid. I don't do homework and I do lots of lying. Anyway, I swear I didn't use to be this self-centred.

Yeah, so now I've forgotten what I wanted to gripe about, but I'm positive it's something to do with parents, school, teachers, lack of sleep, or lack of yaoi.

Probably lack of sleep. I have this horrible thing... where I can't fall asleep, and lie there for hours until - poof. I'm sleeping. Then I'll wake up in the middle of the night for absolutely no reason. And then I'll wake up an hour before the alarm, if I've managed to fall asleep again after waking up in the middle of the night.

SCREW YOU INSOMNIA. I need to fucking sleep. Why won't you let me sleep? I know my bloody subconscious is worried about all kinds of crap but I DON'T CARE. Let me sleep, godammit. If this is a fucking sleep disorder... *twitch twitch*

Lack of sleep has made me bitchy. Extremely irritable. All that to the point that I'm pissed off every second of the day. And want to do violent things.

Parents have a disorder that forces them to obsessively tell their children what to do, when to do, every five minutes.

A note from my phone: it's clocked at 21.52

"Am writing a smut scene. Laven."


Oh, and btw, you screw insomnia by writing yaoi.

/EDIT/: 11 June 201: Guess I used to be incoherent back then as well.

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